Hallo Leute. Meine Frau möchte sich in Kanada in ihren erlernten Beruf bewerben (ich weis, das es im Moment schwer ist ) Nur leider suchen wir vergebens den richtigen Name für den Job-Search. Gelernt hat sie , Facharbeiter für Chemische Produktion und Anlagenfahrer . Habt ihr nen Tip, wie der Job heute heist und in welcher Region ich suchen kann ??? Vielen Dank im vorraus an euch für die Tips !!!!
Chemical Technician sollte dem Chemiefacharbeiter am naechsten kommen
What is a Chemical Technician?
Chemical technicians work alongside chemists and chemical engineers to develop, test, and manufacture chemical products.
Technicians performs a wide range of functions, from setting up, operating and maintaining lab instruments, to conducting and monitoring experiments to calculating results. As critical members of scientific teams, they are at the heart of operations in the chemical industry, helping to get products and services to customers.
For today’s technician, there are a variety of industries to choose from, including industrial chemicals, fuels, agricultural products, food processing, pharmaceuticals, paints, fuels, or metals. Job Responsibilities
Many technician jobs involve performing chemical tests and experiments, operating laboratory equipment, and setting up apparatus for chemical reactions. Specifically, these jobs entail:
* Testing chemical compounds and materials for quality, performance, and composition * Conducting a variety of laboratory procedures, from routine process control to complex research projects * Helping to devise syntheses and analytical procedures * Setting up and operating lab equipment and instruments * Preparing technical reports * Monitoring pollution levels by testing water, soil, and air * Ensuring that packaging of hazardous materials complies with government regulations * Assisting engineers with experiments in the manufacturing process
.... dank euch vielmals !!! Werd mal versuchen unter den Begriff was zu finden !!! Werd euch berichten !!! Danke und noch n schönes Wochenende !!! Maik