There are lots of considerations in choosing for an apartment. The most important thing would be its location and neighborhood. It is the essential thing to consider in choosing an apartment. Second would be amenities and facilities and the third would be the cost of the apartment unit. Edmonton apartments for rent has all the information you need to know about your dream apartment. Always keep in mind that the nearest apartment to a more populated area, the higher its cost would be.
Looking for a new place to live can be stressful. If you are renting a place, then finding a suitable apartment may be less stressful than purchasing a home since the decision does not seem as permanent. Renting an apartment would be the best choice for you. While you likely sign a lease when you rent an apartment, it is unlikely you will stay in the apartment as long as you would a home.
You will need to know what type of apartment you want to select. If you make the wrong choice, well...moving a second time is even less fun than moving the first time. You might also look into a townhouse, or a garden style, apartment.
Determine how much you can spend on rent. While you may want to live in the absolute best part of town, how much you can afford to spend on rent will quickly bring you back down to earth. Apartment hunting often requires a little give and take, so try to find a balance between what you can afford to pay and where you want to live.
------------------- "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton
In my opinion the most difficult part of choosing the right place to live is to find the right 'hood. 'cause as newbies we don't have that much info about the city as locals do. I think the best way should (that's what I'm gonna do) to pick up some rentals, make appointments close to arrival and then check them out. I guess searching personal in the city should be more efficient than searching abroad over the net. Of course a bit of luck is also necessary...