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Workers at a Volkswagen factory in the city of Kaluga, southwest of Moscow. Province wants part of car companies' massive global investment required to meet North American fuel economy rules Kaluga – südwest von Moskau
That will require vast amounts of research and spending to refine internal combustion engines. The research will also involve the development of hybrid and plug-in hybrid engines and improving transmissions so they contribute to higher fuel economy. A greener automotive future represents a potential bonanza of investment and jobs for Ontario and other auto-making jurisdictions battered by the auto crisis that sent Chrysler LLC and General Motors Corp. into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and tens of thousands of workers to the unemployment lines. In the battle for that investment, however, Ontario is at a disadvantage. The province is vying against the U.S. government, which has established a $25-billion (U.S.) fund to assist auto makers in developing new technologies that will improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. “It just kills me every time I hear about it,” Ms. Pupatello said. “Everywhere I go around the world, everybody knows about the American fund.” The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has said auto makers will spend at least $52-billion to meet the requirements outlined earlier this month by the Canadian and U.S. governments. “I think it's going to be considerably higher than that,” said David Cole, chairman of the Center for Automotive Research, an industry think tank in Ann Arbor, Mich. “The magnitude of the investment is huge.” Ontario can't match the deep pockets of the U.S. government and individual states. The province made a pitch to Volkswagen for the Chattanooga assembly plant, but couldn't come close to matching the $577-million in taxpayer money Tennessee threw on the table.
Irgendwo gibt es halt eine finanzielle Schmerzgrenze, was Subventionen / Investitionen anbelangt. Selbst für die für Ontario wichtige Autoindustrie.
Schon bereits der finanzielle "Bailout" der grossen drei US-Autoproduzenten war mit der Unsicherheit verknüpft, dass die Autoproduktion nicht doch von Kanada - trotz Unterstützung seitens Kanada - abgezogen würde.
Obwohl auch das Ontario-Provinzbudget in den tiefroten Zahlen ist, wetten wohl mehr auf eine Gesundung dieses Budgets als des US-Budgets.
Also Geld sparen und in etwas investieren, was Ontario besser kontrollieren kann.