Student suspended for criticizing lack of support for soccer KATE HAMMER — EDUCATION REPORTER From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010 11:47PM EST
A member of the soccer team at Northern Secondary School has been suspended after publicly criticizing the school for not supporting his team, prompting students to arrange a protest for this Friday.
In a speech meant to chronicle the team’s achievements for an athletic assembly, the student, Emil Cohen, 17, accused his school of failing to provide adequate supplies and supports such as pylons, soccer balls and uniforms to the team.
“We now have it instilled into us that ‘soccer’ [at Northern] is synonymous with the word ‘unnecessary,’” Mr. Cohen said at the Nov. 22 assembly, according to a transcript of his speech posted on Facebook and circulated to reporters.
The next day, Mr. Cohen said, he was pulled from his advanced placement psychology course and told by the physical education department that he would no longer be allowed to participate in team sports or events. Soon afterward, he was told by the school’s administration that he was being suspended for two days.
“I thought at the worst I’d get a talking to,” Mr. Cohen said. “....The first words out of my mouth were, ‘Are you serious?’ because I couldn’t believe it.” . . .