wünsche allen ein schönes, langes Family-Day-Wochenende mit hoffentlich viel Sonnenschein! Heute hat sie ja schonmal den ganzen Tag geschienen bei 8 Grad Plus.
Natürlich auch ein schönes Wochenende an alle in DE-Lebende....!
8 Grad Plus Wir hatten gestern Abend/heute Nacht blowing snow/Blizzard konditions! heute morgen zwar auch wieder herrlicher Sonnenschein, aber der Wind ist noch heftig. Aktuell -17 WC-30
Trotzdem allen ein schönes langes Wochenende
Beate (die sich gleich aufmacht die Garage von den Schneeverwehungen zu befreien )
Bei uns ist bis auf ein paar klägliche Schneehaufen alles weggetaut und wir hatten hier auch Riesenberge. Habe gerade geschaut: Ab morgen auch wieder Minusgrade - schaaaade!!
oh, habe gesehen, ist gar kein Kanada-weiter Feiertag. Gibt ihn derzeit nur in den Provinzen Alberta, Ontario und Saskatchewan.
"Family Day is observed in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan on the third Monday of February. This holiday celebrates the importance of families and family life to people and their communities".
In Ontario wurde er erst in 2008 eingeführt, in Saskatchewan in 2007 und in Alberta bereits in 1990.
Hier der ganze Artikel:
What do people do?
On Family Day, many people plan and take part in activities aimed at the whole family. These include visiting art exhibitions, watching movies, skating on outdoor ice rinks, playing board games and taking part in craft activities. Some communities plan special public events, and art galleries and museums may have reduced price or free entry.
As the weather is usually very cold in February, hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies are popular snacks. Other people use the long weekend as an opportunity for a short winter break or to travel to visit family members or friends. As Family Day falls on the same date as National Heritage Day, some people use the day to explore their personal heritage and family history. Public life
In the provinces of Alberta, Ontario and Saskatchewan, many people have a day off work and schools are generally closed on Family Day. Many businesses and organizations are closed, but post offices may be open. Public transport services may run to their usual or reduced timetables.
In the province of Manitoba, the third Monday of February is a general holiday, known as Louis Riel Day. Many people have a day off work and school and many businesses, organizations and stores are closed. In some communities, stores are open after noon. Public transport services may run to Sunday or holiday timetables. In rural areas, there may be no services.
In the other provinces and territories of Canada, Family Day is not observed and the third Monday in February is not a holiday. Businesses, organizations, schools and post offices are open as usual and public transport services run to their normal timetables. Background
Family Day was first held in Canada in the province of Alberta in 1990. It is supposed to reflect the values of family and home that were important to the pioneers who founded Alberta, and give workers the opportunity to spend more time with their families. Family Day was introduced in Saskatchewan in 2007 and in Ontario in 2008. One of the reasons for introducing Family Day was that there was a long period when there were no holidays from New Year's Day until Good Friday.
Holidays to celebrate families are also held in other places around the globe. In the Australian Capital Territory, the first Tuesday of November is known as Family and Community Day. In South Africa, the day after Easter Sunday is Family Day.
Wir hier in Manitoba haben aber auch frei Es heisst nur Luis Riel Day und hier dazu die Infos:
Make plans to celebrate Manitoba’s Louis Riel Day Louis Riel was the driving force behind Manitoba becoming Canada’s fifth province. His dream of a province that embraces all cultures is still shared by Manitobans today.
On the third Monday of February, get out and join other Manitobans from all across our great province to celebrate Louis Riel’s vision.
Nur das mit dem get out kann ich mir bei den Temperaturen verkneifen...
Braucht keiner mehr neidisch auf das southern Ontario Wetter sein. War eine Eintagsfliege. Heute = wind gusts 72 km/h, Schneesturm und -5 Grad. Hier sind Temperaturstürze vom allerfeinsten. Forecast Sonntag auf Montag = 15 - 20 cm Neuschnee Mit einem Ausflug hat es sich somit wahrscheinlich auch erledigt. Shitty weather....
Zitat von HarleygirlBraucht keiner mehr neidisch auf das southern Ontario Wetter sein. War eine Eintagsfliege. Heute = wind gusts 72 km/h, Schneesturm und -5 Grad. Hier sind Temperaturstürze vom allerfeinsten. Forecast Sonntag auf Montag = 15 - 20 cm Neuschnee Mit einem Ausflug hat es sich somit wahrscheinlich auch erledigt. Shitty weather....
Kann mich noch gut an dass doch eher feuchte Klima in dieser Region von Ontario erinnern. Vermissen tue ich es nicht
Ja hier ist es bitterkalt aber trocken und strahlender Sonnenschein! Also alle Vierbeiner schnappen, dick anziehen und raus. Dann schmeckt der Gluehwein doppelt so gut wenn man wieder drinnen ist!!!!
Allen die frei haben ein paar geruhsame Tage und alle die arbeiten muessen: Tough luck