also - just for information - ich kommenntiiere nicht
Hospital turns Tim Hortons into temporary ER to handle overflow of patients ROBERT MATAS VANCOUVER— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published Tuesday, Mar. 01, 2011 11:32AM EST
The elderly patient was lying on a stretcher in the emergency ward’s waiting room, right under the television.
Adam Lund was trying to have a private conversation with his patient, who was near the end of life and had problems that had suddenly flared up. The doctor was acutely aware he was having this discussion in front of an audience.
“Everybody in the waiting room was sitting with their eyes on the television, trying to pretend that we were not doing patient-care right underneath them. They were either watching us do ER live or watching what was on television,” he said Tuesday in an interview.
That’s when he thought the overflow patients from the emergency room at New Westminster’s Royal Columbian Hospital would be better off at the adjacent coffee shop.
Dr. Lund said he felt he had to do something to protect the patient’s privacy and dignity. Two more patients were parked underneath the television in the waiting room. Others in the emergency ward were waiting for medications and treatments that had been ordered more than 90 minutes earlier. But no one could carry out the orders because the patients were not in a space where paramedics or nurses could do the work.
Dr. Lund said the decision was made in consultation with the emergency-room chart nurse, two emergency physician colleagues and paramedics.
Five patients were placed in the coffee shop, which features Tim Hortons coffee and doughnuts. The coffee shop is adjacent to the emergency ward in the same building. Patients were on stretchers in the coffee shop from 11 p.m. on Monday until 12:30 a.m. on Tuesday.
Placing patients in the coffee shop area was not something that had ever been presented to emergency physicians as an option to deal with overcrowding, Dr. Lund said. “It was something idly talked about in the past and discarded, but last night we decided to try it.”
Diese Horrornews kamen am Dienstag in BBC News. Meinte nicht richtig gehört zu haben.... Das in einem westlichen Land...! Bei uns in Basel liegen sie dafür halt stundenlang in den Gängen der Klinik herum..., das täglich! Grüessli, WW
Die Patientin ist leider gestorben !! Sie war 86 Jahre alt und hatte einen Schlaganfall so weit ich gehoert habe, somit hatte sie kaum eine Chance mit oder ohne Tim Hortons, aber mit wuerdevollen Sterben hat das nicht viel zu tun.
Das Krankenhaus hatte gestern zufaellig einen Fundraiser und konnte sage und schreibe 250,000 $ sammeln. Damit kannst man doch nichts anrichten. IMHO die angelsaechsische Vorgehensweise mit niedrigen Steuern aber mit Spenden und Lotterien lebensnotwendige Projekte zu finanzieren, ist hier im Multikulti-Vancouver am Ende.