Diese Woche machten sich die Töchter (16 und 18) einer Freundin mit anderen Freunden zum ersten Mal alleine mit der Fähre von Vancouver Island nach Vancouver auf. Ohne Eltern, Lehrer oder einen vorgeschriebenen Tagesplan. Einfach so. Sie machten ein Picknic und streiften spontan durch Vancouver.
Ihre Mutter schrieb mir folgendes, auch über den 4/20 in B.C. der mir nicht so bekannt war. Mein Großvater wäre am 20.04.2011 103 Jahre alt geworden, schade, dass ich ihn so wenig getroffen habe, wir haben vieles gemeinsam, wie es scheint (er lebte lange in Paris, seine erste Frau und Tochter waren Amerikaner in Kalifornien...). Meine 16jährige erinnerte sich auch an einen anderen Tag, sie hatte in der Schule oder sonstwo gut aufgepasst.
Klar wollte ich mehr wissen über 4/20 in B.C. und den Marijuana Protest (meine ältere Tochter kannte sich da besser aus als ich, da sie einige Zeit in Vancouver wohnte). Alle meine Kinder sind überzeugte Nichtraucher, aber politisch interessiert und gestern am Mittagstisch hatten wir eine interessante Unterhaltung über 4/20 und mehr...
Hier ein Auszug aus dem Mail aus V.I., ein kleiner Bericht von dem Tagestrip der jungen Leute nach Vancouver:
21. April 2011
Dear lakota,
.....They (die zwei Töchter und Freunde) ended up in the Marijuana protest, this famous 4/20, when the police ignore 15000 pot smokers who are out on the street protesting the drug laws. I saw this in the news. Vancouver is the biggest 4/20 day in BC because there is the best illegal supply right in BC.
They saw the green peace leader was there and they are both now politically green peace.
Before Vancouver they were asking to turn off the TV when I am watching elections but now I have two green peace voters. I think A. can vote this time, we will try it.
If Albertans are adult at 18 and can vote then our 18 year olds should be allowed to vote too we are thinking at least federally.
I like this fun because I say I am NDP and would vote green but they will not get a seat and I do not want to throw my vote away at least give some to someone who can win.
The green Party gets votes as many as the BLOC - you know what I will think of the BLOC because I am not sad if Quebec would be its own country and then we can stop spending so much money and time with them and they can stop asking us for all the money in Quebec and they can do all things as they like it themselves.
I think they do all as they like it and there were some interesting things in the debate about what is for Quebec and what is not'
Anyways only in Quebec will this angry looking French politician get his votes and then he will have 50 seats in the house but the Green party will get same number of votes in the country and get not one seat and not get to be in the debate.
I like to hear from them.
My daughters will need to hear other politicians too because they are so believing in the speeches and words of trickery all politicians use and they need to hear more trickery in time to make up the minds for real who they are and what they will vote.
For me it is funny that they are so political after one day lol.
Ich wollte natürlich mehr wissen über 4/20 und auch persönliche Meinungen von Freunden und Bekannten über die bevorstehenden Wahlen (also nicht nur aus Zeitungsmeldungen):
22. April 2011
Dear lakota,
....I cannot completely research the meaning of 4/20 but each day at twenty after four the solidarity Marijuana Smoker’s and believers in the medicinal value of the THC drug will have a drug cigarette.
It comes from the hippie days but I am an almost hippie and can say I did not know it till the last two or three years this habit.
So there is a history why this time this is what I do not know.
However it is part of April 20th, On the 20th day of the fourth month a big protest is held by the pot smokers. this is a Canada wide protest but nowhere is it celebrated as in BC because of all world places the "BC Bud is the best". You may have heard this. One time I was talking to someone in the United States because they saw I was in BC and wanted to know about how I smoke it.
People assume you do if you are from BC.
Anyways last year in Vancouver, the biggest protest 10 thousand at the protest and this year there were 15000 so it is getting bigger.
It is getting bigger because our prime minister, Harper is signing a deal with the United States to show them who the Marijuana criminals are and other information about the Canadians who cross the border.
These people want to make this drug legal.
So they stand and walk in the streets by the Vancouver Art Centre, all of them together and they will smoke the drug openly. There are too many to arrest so if there is peace (and these users are peaceful) they will only stand and watch and cannot get them on the illegality on this day.
Even the workers of the ferries make space for these people to smoke pot on just that day. (gäbe es sowas bei uns in Deutschland?)
If the police would go to arrest someone they must say "help I am being arrested" and all the others will line up and hug the smoker and not let the police take them.
It is the daytime people who think the drug should be legal will stand in protest together so it cannot cause grief and will be open int he world.
The green party agrees with this and believes that this drug is not harmful and is often helpful and should not be illegal.
The illegal costs the court system for each offender and puts peaceful people in jail they say.
But I did not know till yesterday so much about it and how many people smoke it I was surprised.
This puts us in trouble with the States.
(jetzt wird es ein wenig politisch, auch das interessiert mich, da ich ja ein Kanada Greenhorn bin, aber ich kenne schon seit Jahren die Einstellung der Freundin zu Quebec und lese es wie so oft gelassen und muss sogar manchmal schmunzeln, in unserem Freundeskreis sind 8 Freundinnen, die alle aus Quebec sind und sie nehmen es auch gelassen und wir scherzen oft darüber, wenn die Freundin loslegt und keiner hat damit ein Problem....)
I say in Canada the green party is for individual rights and protecting the environment and for freedom in ways that are not acceptable to more conservative people.
Jack Layton of the NDP is in the party for the help of the poor and the working class.
The conservatives and liberals are confusing. Both are free enterprise of course.
They are one a little to the right and the other a little ot the left but they seem much the same.
The conservatives are for the big business.
They will give a lot of money to a bank or a big business to make the economy better.
They say it will make more work and better life for Canadians if we protect the profits of big business we will proper they say.
They will take the demands of the united states and will harm Canadian sovereignty by doing as requested by Obama instead of by Canadian preference.
Canada has always had a big strong brother and has often been rude about it. It reminds me of a bad spoiled child who will not do as is best for the brother but if there is trouble will expect his help and quickly.
The Liberals also will shore up big business and banks but they will not tell you that at election time and the conservatives are doing it.
The government here looks to me all as fools because they each act as though only one issue is important,
For the Liberals, health care, obviously going to get worse and worse as our generation ages.
The conservatives have the economy, again looking very bad right now for the future, but they say because they only had a minority power they cannot fix it without more votes. The others will argue and break the government at every budget and not accept it.
Then it is back to a new election and the worst is to get the same government minority because in another two years will be the same problem.
The NDP have poor families and all issues to do with the health and economy and child care and the like.
But the fight was on between Harper and Ignatius or however you spell the conservative and liberals candidates because the closing of parliament.
I learned most from Jack Layton the NDP man.
He was the one who said the Liberal candidate was only to half of the caucus or house meetings. Also the Liberal candidate lied and said his time in the United States was not because he was not a happy Canadian only enjoying other cultures.
But they played after a video where our Liberal candidate was looking to get a government elected job in the States and called it his country and theirs (the American people)
He said that Harper and this Ignatius were friends. I believe this to be true because as they debate or make sharp wit comments to each other they will smile or signal a little. for them it is a game with the same conclusion, Harper will win again a minority and the other three parties will vote his ideas out.
And no changes or improvements can be made. The comedy and farce of Canadian politics.
The two friends are busy making insults to each other cheerfully and while they are fighting it out sure that only the Liberal or conservatives will come to power,
and Jack Layton who they ignore because he only gets 15% if the vote is standing in the corner with nothing to loose and he is telling about al of them, but only facts not insults as the others do.
Of them only Jack Layton is saying what he would do to make Canada better and less about the others and problems, only when he must speak up for debate.
The Block is the separatist group from Quebec and only Quebec and they are extreme and in Canada only get so many votes as the Green party who do not have a seat because the votes come from all over Canada and not only one province.
Our bloc candidate is only about Quebec but he gets 50 seats in parliament. This is nothing to think about only I wish he would have maybe five seats because he only represents this little area and has no care for any other province only that he can make Quebec its own country.
I am happy with that, why stay if you want to go? Then we can be an English country and not pay for all the extra stuff in all provinces just so they can feel the culture is respected and held high in Canada.
We will not spend more money for French education in English speaking provinces because the French have this problem with respect and culture. They will no longer have the Canadian tax dollars poured into their ultra special province and will have to pay all tribute to French culture from the economy of Quebec and not from all other provinces who do not get so much money. I like this separation idea.
If our children want to leave home and try life on their own we let them and face the consequences.
If Quebec would like to start standing on its own and paying its own bills I would not complain. We would also be free.
The French Canadians do not want the German Canadians or the Russian or Chinese Canadians to have the same culture rights as they would like, because of the specialness of being from a "French" nationality that is the best in the world and not so common as all others. (darüber hatten wir schon öfters diskutiert....).
So in short we have a bloc party from Quebec that does not count for governing Canada, a Green party we do not even get to hear about because they have no seats as Quebec with less votes has (50!)
This leaves us three candidates who might get to run the country. The one we have was shown to disrespect parliament and hide information and spend money as he likes to and not for the agreed reason.
He will be back I am sure.
We have a liberal candidate who I find quite handsome of them, but he is a liar and also a friend to the United states meaning he might make the laws they want and Canadians do not want.
And then we have Jack Layton of the NDP and he never gets enough votes to do anything.
The NDP party is not trusted by many older voters because its roots were in the old CCF party that was a communist party.
No way will Canadians vote communism but the NDP has evolved to be diferent , but never trusted.
Also Jack Layton had his cancer surgery and he might not be so healthy and also he smiles all the time and it is annoying people and this is the kind of comments they make instead of for real how can we do the best.
But I think he is healthy and to communist and I don't like anybody there for us to vote but him a little.
Besides I am for poverty help for the country more than the business health.
But I am listening and watching them anyways because
Mensch, ich hab das im Fernsehen gesehen... Wie ist denn das Gesetz hier? In Deutschland waeren die doch alle in ner Zelle gelandet, oder? Krasses Leben in VanCity
Liberal, CON-servative, NDP and Bloc... am besten zusammen schliessen und neuen namen geben: BULLSHIT-Party! And I am sooooooooo sick of all their BULLSHIT !
Zitat von BinelinchenMensch, ich hab das im Fernsehen gesehen... Wie ist denn das Gesetz hier? In Deutschland waeren die doch alle in ner Zelle gelandet, oder? Krasses Leben in VanCity
Das denke ich nicht. Nehme an, es wäre ähnlich wie in Vancouver gewesen.
Lakota, JA! Ich werde ganz bestimmt waehlen. Ich weis auch schon welche partei ich NICHT waehlen werde, nun kommt aber das schwierige an der ganzen sache. Fuer wen der beiden anderen zwei parteien, welchen ich nun auch nicht gerade besonders vertraue, soll ich mich nun entscheiden? Scheiss situation...
ZitatLakota, JA! Ich werde ganz bestimmt waehlen. Ich weis auch schon welche partei ich NICHT waehlen werde, nun kommt aber das schwierige an der ganzen sache. Fuer wen der beiden anderen zwei parteien, welchen ich nun auch nicht gerade besonders vertraue, soll ich mich nun entscheiden? Scheiss situation...
Es gibt ja noch eine Vierte und die werden zulegen dieses Jahr. I hope. Go Green!
Grosse Versprechungen machen doch alle und Geld hat auch keiner. Das die Gruenen diese Wahl gewinnen ist sicher illusorisch. Aber den Focus mal ein bischen aufziehen und die Menschen auch fuer umweltpolitische Themen zu sensibiliesieren kann bestimmt nicht schaden. Wenn es den Gruenen gelingt bei dieser Wahl ein respektables Ergebnis erzielen, koennen die grossen Parteien die Umwelt betreffende Themen nicht mehr einfach so weglaecheln. Das waere dann schon ein Erfolg.
Conservative Party: 167 New Democratic Party: 103 Liberal Party: 34 Bloc Quebecois: 3 Green Party: 1
Party Leaders
Conservative: Stephen Harper (Calgary Southwest): Elected NDP: Jack Layton (Toronto-Danforth): Elected Liberal: Michael Ignatieff (Etbicoke-Lakeshore): Defeated Bloc: Gilles Duceppe (Laurier-Sante-Marie): Defeated Green: Elizabeth May (Saanich-Gulf Islands): Elected
VICTORIA - Green party leader Elizabeth May has pulled off a remarkable upset to defeat Conservative cabinet minister Gary Lunn and become her party's first elected MP.
May, 56, led from the first poll to oust the minister of state for sport who won the past five elections in the riding of Saanich-Gulf Islands.
"Today we proved that Canadians want change in politics," said May. "I stand here today as the first elected Green member in Canadian history." http://www2.canada.com/story.html?id=4714067
Am 3. Mai bekam ich wieder einige Gedanken / Fazit zur Wahl aus Kanada:
Dear Lakota
"...So when I saw this "May" lady win in early May I was laughing because you showed me a link about this.
It is a wonderful thing that they were elected in this riding, a beautiful riding is protected and will show Canada what Green can do in the perfect place at the perfect time.
I also like this party very much but also the NDP. Now I saw last night the same Jack Layton and if he did not get so many seats from the BLOC in Quebec he would not get in.
With my thinking I suspect the French Canadians are only voting for the party that no one but G. in English speaking Canada would vote for before. I was feeling sorry for the Liberal leader because his speech seemed sincere and still confident even though the Liberals are over now for a time in Canada.
The Liberals could decide to join with the NDP, they are a little alike and it would pull to the middle and I don't like that.
However I think a very good thing happened there if I like it or not that Stephen Harper was elected with a majority and that the NDP will be the opposition.
Harper was trying to say, two minority governments is not a way to show what I can do for the good of Canada.
Now that he has the majority he can do it but we will know everything because the NDP and the one spunky Green peace girl will not stop talking and refining the thinking in parliament.
It is not a bad system. The best thing is that the NDP and Green do not play political games and I think the NDP will support the Green.
So we have a good government I think even with Harper who I dislike because conservative and some other things but he can go now and I am curious what he will do. I did not think his budget was so bad to force an election. It was doing something for all parties wishes.
Harper gave an OK speech but the best one was the liberal candidate.
Something Ignatius did on his campaign at the early morning with a community group that was working together to make a park and had gathered to plant some trees seemed to make him very sincere all of a sudden. This emotion of moved by Canadians and to see old fashioned values in a community was somehow special.
But the speech was not so sad even though it must have been such a big shock to go from over 100 seats to 33. He was so sincere and was gracious with the others and did not show sadness or hostility, only said, it is difficult to loose but do not cry (lots of liberals had tears in their eyes) because this is what we are proud with here is democracy and the Canadian people want a change.
Sounds so much like all defeat speeches you here in an election, but it was not. It was perfect and moving.
Jack Layton said respectful things of the other candidates, even this BLOC candidate who went from 50 seats to 3 in Quebec.
But it was Jack that took the seats away from the BLOC.
When the French leader came on he thanked the winner, Mr. Harper, and all other candidates with just a wave of his hand.
He looked angry and upset, not so good to play to the camera as others.
Only the liberal leader was moving and felt genuine. I was feeling sad for him and I know he did not show for Meetings (worst of all for showing up to work) and he told lies about his American allegiances.
So it is over and it was good and now we will see what will be in Canada, better or worse. Stephen Harper has a hard job but it seems they are all willing to work together without hostility now.
The BLOC is not even now a political party because only 3 seats and they are only good if the Quebec votes them in.
Ignatius will stay on as party leader but the French man got all upset and quit. So the party he was leading lost all power and it leader at one time.
I was not upset of course. One problem will be the age of the NDP representatives. All are young from Quebec and have no political experience.
For so long the BLOC was in power and so no one wanted to be an NDP candidate who had a chance of winning.
So parents with grown children in the basement because no work said go and be an NDP Candidate because there would be money for them a little.
These kids got off the couch and went to be an NDP candidate and no one else wanted the role.
So part of all this will be young couch potatoes helping make decisions in Canada at the Federal level. I think this is so funny and I like it. I think it suits government to have some normal relaxed youthful adults who will also see things very differently and they will learn a lot. We may get some great leaders one day from that.
(...........*******something about me ****.......)
Last thing I was going to say was I was glad that Justin Trudeau won in his riding, so if Ignatius does not want to be leader they might pick Justin.
His father was the longest Premier here and most liked him (obviously)
He handled the Quebecois crisis well and decisively and had some character...".
Bei dieser Wahl in Kanada gewannen einige kanadische Bekannte von mir und ich ein wenig mehr gegenseitig Einblicke und Hintergrundkenntnisse über das jeweilige Wahlsystem unserer Länder und manche Kandidaten.
Ich berichtete von dem ersten deutschen grünen Minister in Hessen, der mit Turnschuhen damals am 12.12.1985 vereidigt wurde und später deutscher Außenminister wurde. Er flog von der Schule (dieselbe Schule, die zwei meiner Kinder später auch besuchten, bekam ich zufällig mit, als ich gerade beim Schulrektor war, dass die ARD dort eine Doku über drehen wollte und es gibt sogar demnächst einen Kinofilm....).
Zitaton Oct. 18, 1984, when he addressed Richard Stücklen, then vice president of the parliament, with the words: "With respect, Mr. President, you are an asshole" (German: "Mit Verlaub, Herr Präsident, Sie sind ein Arschloch.").
Am 4. Mai 2011 bekam ich u. a. noch zu vielen Anmerkungen einen Nachschlag aus B.C. auf den Wahlausgang in Kanada. Ein wenig erstaunt war ich schon über das doch recht konservative Kanada, aber irgendwie erinnert es mich etwas an Deutschland oder andere Länder.
Dear Lakota,
ZitatI am laughing at the Minister of foreign affairs. It is the same here with the NDP party. Most ministers elected from the province of Quebec are very young, one only 19, and most of them were a candidate for NDP because there was no one who wanted to be an NDP candidate, so sure they would not win that these young inexperienced and non political people got elected for a set in parliament.
I will hope that they too will wear sneakers and I will most definitely let my daughter know.
These young people may be just what this government needs. They are earning huge incomes and absolutely out of their element here.
A short time ago they did not even have a job at McDonalds.
They will speak common sense because they are not fancy or professional. This one pretty young blonde Quebec leader spent half of the campaign time in Las Vegas and still was not available for comment.
The father was talking, bare chested, long grey hair on the porch of a poor person, and said he was so surprised that his daughter would be representing a riding because she cannot speak proper French and she would be as in a whole new world.
Four of the new representatives for the NDP are in first year college. Just finished Grade Twelve.
Seit heute haben wir im Ländle den ersten grünen Ministerpräsidenten Deutschlands.
ZitatStuttgart - Baden-Württemberg hat den ersten grünen Ministerpräsidenten – und der hat einen furiosen Start hingelegt: Winfried Kretschmann ist mit 73 Stimmen von 138 Abgeordneten gewählt worden. Das bedeutet, dass er nicht nur sämtliche Parlamentarier aus den eigenen grün-roten Reihen hat hinter sich bringen können. Vielmehr hat der Neue auch – immerhin – zwei Oppositionsabgeordnete dafür gewinnen können, das Experiment mit ihm zu wagen und für ihn zu votieren.
Das ist ein guter Anfang. Kretschmann kann sich bestärkt fühlen und das kleinpolitische Hickhack der letzten Tage erstmal hinter sich lassen, um die großen Linien seines Regierungsprogramms festziehen. In zwei Wochen wird er seine Regierungserklärung präsentieren. Von da an geht es wieder zur Sache, und die grün-rote Landesregierung wird darauf geprüft werden, ob sie ihre Versprechungen erfüllt. Die parteienübergreifende Wahl Kretschmanns hat jetzt aber erstmal bewiesen, dass alles Angstgeunke und ideologisches Gerede unbedeutend wird und politische Normalität Einzug halten kann. So ist das eben: Der demokratische Wechsel ist eine bewegende, aber letztlich normale Sache.