mal wieder eine meldung zum leben und sterben in kanada - besonders da wo alle (fast alle) hin wollen - in den wald
A few surprises in decades-long black bear study RENATA D’ALIESIO From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, May. 11, 2011 12:01AM EDT
A sweeping study chronicling more than a century’s worth of deadly encounters with black bears in Canada and the United States is shedding new light on the nature of attacks and dispelling the widely held notion that a sow protecting her cubs is the prime danger.
Fatal black bear attacks were rare from 1900 to 2009 but they disproportionately occurred in Canada, according to an analysis published Wednesday in the Journal of Wildlife Management. Of the 63 people who died in 59 incidents, 44 victims were mauled in Canada. It’s not known why, but periodic food shortages due to shorter growing seasons could be a factor.
mal wieder eine meldung zum leben und sterben in kanada - besonders da wo alle (fast alle) hin wollen - in den wald
A few surprises in decades-long black bear study RENATA D’ALIESIO From Wednesday's Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, May. 11, 2011 12:01AM EDT
A sweeping study chronicling more than a century’s worth of deadly encounters with black bears in Canada and the United States is shedding new light on the nature of attacks and dispelling the widely held notion that a sow protecting her cubs is the prime danger.
Fatal black bear attacks were rare from 1900 to 2009 but they disproportionately occurred in Canada, according to an analysis published Wednesday in the Journal of Wildlife Management. Of the 63 people who died in 59 incidents, 44 victims were mauled in Canada. It’s not known why, but periodic food shortages due to shorter growing seasons could be a factor.
Da sterben in D mehr Menschen jeden Tag im Straßenverkehr als in 10 Jahren durch Bären, was aber völlig uninteressant zu sein scheint. Ein Toter durch einen Bären zeigt eben die Wildheit der Wildnis