The Incredible Story of Michael and Dorothea Schmidt and Real Milk in Canada by Sally Fallon
"The city of Toronto spreads out from its center as an inundation of asphalt and grey rooftops, punctuated by soul-numbing high-rise apartments. Gradually the city gives way to farmland, dotted with small towns and pleasant farms, a land of richness and variety. The farms are attractive and well ordered, with old-fashioned barns and silos in good repair. The only jarring note is the occasional pile of old tires cluttered against the outbuildings. Follow the road northeast through the town of Durham and eventually you arrive at Glencolton Farms with its stone farmhouse, compact farmyard and painterly vistas.
The owners are Michael and Dorothea Schmidt who purchased Glencolton when they came to Canada from Germany in 1983. Michael Schmidt is an innovator and an activist. He grew up in the Waldorf education system and has a master's degree in farming. His entire practical training took place on certified organic farms in Germany.
In 1978 Schmidt started a biodynamic organic dairy farm in southern Germany. This farm became the first certified organic farm with cheese processing facilities and today cheese from this farm is distributed throughout Germany. Three years later, Schmidt helped establish the first biodynamic organic farm in Egypt, supplying breeding stock for dairy cows. Today this Egyptian experiment is a flourishing research center and community farm. In recent years he has helped train Russian farmers in the principles of biodynamic farming and has participated in a research project in China."
Der rest der (jetzt typisch government) endenden story ist hier zu finden:
Consumers can now buy a share of a cow and simply get the milk from "their cow". Smart guy this Michael Schmidt The Milkboard is a powerful institution but he apparently outsmarted them.
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzz........ Ich weis das die story schon aelter ist, aber noch nie hier im forum gepostet und vielen sicherlich nicht bekannt. Fuer mich war die neu, fuer viele andere sicherlich auch. Wie es deutschen im ausland ergehen kann interessiert wohl so einige auswanderer, vor allem wenn man sich selbstaendig macht.
Just a story!-und angepasst im bezug an die neue story aus California.