Fauja Singh, 100, finished Toronto's waterfront marathon Sunday evening, securing his place in Guinness World Records as the oldest person — and the first centenarian — to ever accomplish a run of that distance.
Singh, a British citizen, was the last person to complete the race, crossing the finish line just before 6 p.m. ET with a time of 8 hours, 11 minutes and 5.9 seconds.
A 27-year-old runner in Toronto's waterfront marathon has died.
Bruce Minnes, medical director of the marathon, said Sunday afternoon that the man had no vital signs when he was taken from the course about 300 metres from the finish line, at around 11:15 a.m. ET.
Toronto Emergency Medical Services said the man was transported to St. Michael's hospital from Bay Street and Wellington Street West.
Police from Toronto's 52 division said he died at St. Michael's and confirmed he was a participant in one of the races that were part of the event — the marathon, half marathon and five-kilometre runs.
sooo alt sieht der eigentlich gar nicht aus. Am 1. April 1911 in Indien geboren...ob die das damals in Indien mit den birth certificates so genau nahmen... Trotzdem tolle Leistung.
in dem Fall mag es ja stimmen aber ich glaube doch nicht, dass die brit. Kolonialregierung einen 100%en Ueberblick ueber die Menschenmassen in Indien hatten.