in der family class stehen änderung an. wer einen kanadier heiratet, der erhält nicht mehr sofort die pr - wie bisher -, nachdem der antrag durch die bürokratie das ok erhielt.
Ottawa moves to curb marriages of convenience bill curry OTTAWA— From Thursday's Globe and Mail Published Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011 8:32PM EDT
The suspicions started when the same relatives showed up again and again in wedding photos. Then came the elaborately staged – and entirely fake – wedding receptions.
Now, as Canadian intelligence officials working in China, India and other foreign missions are locked in a cat and mouse game to nab immigration fraudsters, Ottawa is preparing to unveil a new “conditional” immigration status to curb marriage fraud. More related to this story
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The new category will make it easier for Ottawa to deport a sponsored spouse who is later found to have lied in a bid to come to Canada.
The new regulations are expected to be introduced later this year and will be based on practices already in place in the United States and Australia. In those countries, couples must prove they have lived together for a defined period before the applicant becomes a permanent resident.
And to prevent a “revolving door” of fraud marriages for cash, the government will also bring in a five-year ban on sponsoring spouses being allowed to turn around and sponsor a new spouse into Canada.
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney confirmed the plan Wednesday, singling out China and India as countries where elaborate schemes have been uncovered.
und so weiter
But the notion of making permanent residency conditional on living with a new spouse for a yet-to-be-defined period of time raises concerns that new immigrants could be vulnerable to domestic abuse in Canada. The rules are expected to include an exemption in cases where abuse has occurred.
NDP MP and immigration critic Don Davies said creating a new immigration status is something that should be debated before Parliament, not passed without scrutiny via regulations. He said it would be better if Ottawa focused on improved screening overseas. Mr. Davies raised concerns about domestic abuse, but also the fact that half of non-fraudulent marriages fail.
“What if the marriage fails? You’re going to force two people to live together for two years when that didn’t work?” he asked. “I just think that’s unsound policy.”
solche tricks machen auch deutsche - nicht nur chinesen : - )))
die neue regelungen sind m.e. absolut schwachsinnig und gehen in die komplett falsche richtung. hier wird das tor fuer moeglichen fraud sehr weit aufgestossen. bogus marriages werden damit nicht aufgedeckt. vielmehr wird eben mehr zeit 'abgesessen'. daruberhinaus erlaubt die regelung ausnahmen bei 'domestic abuse'. da werden sich eine reihe unschuldiger mit 'abuse' anschuldigungen wider finden...