Cancer patient denied disability pay Woman's early detection of breast lump cited as pre-existing condition By Kathy Tomlinson, CBC News Posted: Oct 31, 2011 6:24 AM PT
A 26-year-old woman fighting breast cancer was shocked to find she doesn't qualify for long-term disability payments, despite having disability insurance through her employer's group plan.
"I didn't think I was going to have to fight cancer — and then fight with this insurance company," said Katie Evans.
Evans is an administrator for several Shoppers Drug Mart stores in Ottawa. Her long-term disability (LTD) policy through Blue Cross Medavie became effective in December, three months before she was diagnosed with cancer.
"I didn't have to answer a [health] questionnaire," Evans said. "I filled in the form to confirm that I was covered for LTD and I signed it. Done."
However, the previous September — three months before that coverage kicked in — she had asked her doctor about a lump in her breast. At that time, after tests, a surgeon told her not to worry.
"She said the words 'you do not have cancer,'" said Evans.
In March, further tests brought the bad news that she had breast cancer and had to undergo a mastectomy and chemotherapy.
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just as information
Insurance: one of the biggest scams out there.
Got to read the fine print with these companies. They try to wiggle out of everything, it's their job to figure out how not to pay you, they do not want to help you, they just want your money.
Das ist mit deutschen Versicherungen das Gleiche in grün. Ich mag gar nicht an meine KV denken, da wird's mir schon anders. Ich bin nach deutschem Versicherungsstandart unterversichert. Aber, was soll ich mich versichern, wenn die Bude sowieso nicht zahlt? Da behalte ich das Geld doch lieber, als mir zu überlegen wie viel alleine der Allianz-Palast in Frankfurt jährlich an Unterhalt und Instandhaltung kostet, und wer das alles bezahlt.
Das Problem bei der Frau war eher, dass die Versicherung davon ausgegangen ist, dass die Frau bereits bei Abschluss wusste, dass sie Krebs hat. Kommt ja auch etwas komisch rueber, dass sie 3 Monate nachdem sie einen Knoten festgestellt hat (der laut ihrer Aussage sich erst spaeter als Krebswucherung herausgestellt hat) eine Zusatzversicherung abschliesst fuer disability pay und dann ein paar Monate nach in Kraft treten der Versicherung disability pay fordert. Wuerde bei mir auch einen schlechten Beigeschmack verursachen bzgl. Versicherungsbetrug.