wenn hier über arbeitslose diskutiert wird, dann wird zu de immer gesagt - ja aber die statistik sagt nicht die wahrheit.
in dem artikel - siehe link - schreibt jemand darüber, dass die zahlen von statistics canada auch nicht richtig sind.
nur mal so als vergleich.
kommentare sind lesenswert.
Unemployment is actually worse than numbers show
Miles Corak Globe and Mail Blog Posted on Friday, February 3, 2012 8:33AM EST
Miles Corak is a professor of economics with the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa. The full version of this post is available at milescorak.com.
This morning, Statistics Canada reported that the unemployment rate increased to 7.6 per cent, confirming a rising trend since July of last year and still significantly above the low of about 6 per cent just before the recession took hold in the autumn of 2008.
This statistic is probably the closest a number can come to having a human face; it relates directly to the hardship Canadians experience in providing for their families, saving for their retirement, and just meeting their day-to-day needs.
But in the end we can't clearly see the faces of real people behind this number, which at best is an incomplete picture of waste and hardship.
Statistic Canada measures unemployment in a very specific way, asking a representative sample of Canadians if they did anything during a four week period to look for a job.
If you are not actively looking, then you are not considered unemployed.
Incorporating those who are not looking for work, but certainly want a job, into the calculations- -- those who are waiting for a recall from a previous employer or waiting for a reply to applications already made; those who have given up looking for jobs because they believe none are available; and those who are working part-time but want and can't get more hours of work--- leads to a much higher unemployment rate.
According to official calculations the average monthly unemployment rate during 2011 was 7.4 per cent, but the more comprehensive measure implies 10.6 per cent.
Unemployment is ALWAYS worse than the numbers show. Lots of unemployed do not report. Those that fall off the EI rolls also fall off the unemployment tallies. Sometimes they uptick the welfare, sometimes not. The elderly and the young are often not included in unemployment numbers because of age. Whatever numbers are published, they are always off the mark. 7 replies Report Abuse
Score: 38 Gord Davison
10:07 AM on February 3, 2012
There is no such thing as permanent employment anymore. Companies will tell you that the job is permanent to lure you in but the moment they fear that their sales may drop you are out the door. This is partialy because the CEOs of today, the ones who usually stay for about two years, after they have pillaged the company, are not looking for long term health of the company which employs them. The bottom line for the next quarter is all that matters and after two years they will have enough money to retire.
Habe mal ne bekannte gefragt, sie arbeitet fuer diese richtung im government.
Aus der “comment “ seite: “If you aren't looking for work why should you be counted?”Leute haben unterschiedliche gruende.
“The number isn't based on EI claims, otherwise someone looking for their first job couldn't be counted.” Werden sie auch normalerweise nicht.
“They are survey based and have nothing to do with the administration of government income support. Statistics Canada undertakes a survey every month of about 50,000 individuals.” 50,000? Jeden monat? Alles klar! (waere allerdings eine gute erklaerung dazu wo die steuern bleiben) .
“These people are in principle randomly chosen to be representative of all Canadians 15 years and older, whether they receive a government income support payment or not. The young and the elderly are part of this survey.” Noch nie von solcher survey gehoert, kennt jemanden eine person, welche das hat?
“There is no such thing as permanent employment anymore.”Nahe dran,
Oh ja! Wird part-time, und wenn nur ein paar stunden die woche nicht auch als “employment” gezaehlt?
das ist doch nichts anderes als in DE ist einer in einer ABM ist er raus aus der liste ist einer in einer "weiterbildungs massname" ist er raus aus der liste.... ......
Mann Maxim, ist das dein Ernst?? Bring mal wieder was Neues!!! Es gibt KEIN Land auf der Welt, egal ob Nordkorea oder Dänemark wo die Arbeitslosenzahlen die von der Regierung veröffentlicht werden mit der Wirklichkeit übereinstimmen!!!!!
Allerdings gibts ja auch einige Vollidioten die das glauben, was die Regierung da seit Jahren an falschen Daten raushaut!!!
Zitat von DerBiberMann Maxim, ist das dein Ernst?? Bring mal wieder was Neues!!! Es gibt KEIN Land auf der Welt, egal ob Nordkorea oder Dänemark wo die Arbeitslosenzahlen die von der Regierung veröffentlicht werden mit der Wirklichkeit übereinstimmen!!!!!