Aber dass Blatt kann man auch von der anderen Seite sehen.....zbsp in einem kleinen Ort in Ontario wo ich ein paar Jahre gelebt habe hatten die lokalen Liberalen Politiker gejammert dass jemand ihre Schilder in den Gaerten des Ortes randaliert haetten - finger wurden direkt natuerlich auf andere Parteien gezeigt. Stellt sich heraus es waren die eigenen Leute um "Sympathie" zu ergattern und die anderen als Boese Buben dastehen zu lassen!!! Fakt ist das KEINE Partei Unschulds Laemmer sind und das leider immer wieder so was in der einen oder anderen art passieren wird.
Soviel dazu da wir uns wahrscheinlich Stundenlang mit interessanten ANekdoten hierzu beschaeftigen koennten .
Stephen Harper is categorically denying the Conservative Party’s national campaign was behind misleading robo-calls that confused voters in Guelph, Ont., and elsewhere – even as Elections Canada probes complaints of a separate alleged misdeed: harassing calls impersonating the Liberal Party.
darauf folgt
In his strongest statement yet, the Prime Minister sought to distance his campaign machine Wednesday from alleged dirty tricks in the 2011 election. It’s a declaration that could come back to haunt him should evidence ever surface that anyone at Conservative election headquarters on Lancaster Road in Ottawa knew of illegal phone calls.
ZitatEs scheint so als ob viele von keinem Skandal hoeren wollen, um ja keine Krise heraufzubeschwoeren welche der kanadischen Wirtschaft und somit einem selbst schaden koennte. Hush hush and keep the Dollar rollin'.
ist nicht nur in Kanada so sondern ist auf der ganzen Welt so! Wir sind alle zu faul und zu bequem um mal wirklich was zu machen!! Warum wird der Mann, der das Deutsche Volk repräsentiert nicht vom Deutschen Volk gewählt sondern von Politikern? Wie kann es sein, dass ein Mann der seine Tochter(!) 15 mal vergewaltigt hat weniger Jahre Knast bekommt als ein Mann der Geld mit illegalen Kopien von Kinofilme gemacht hat? Und warum will der Staat Schlecker nicht helfen, dort wo bald 12000 Menschen arbeitslos sein werden, viele davon Anfang 50 und nix mehr finden werden, aber der Staat haut Milliarden für Griechenland raus, ein Land das eher an einen sog. "failed state" erinnert als an ein EU Land!
Readers speak out on robo-calls: ‘It definitely changed my vote’ TAMARA BALUJA OTTAWA— Globe and Mail Update Posted on Thursday, March 1, 2012 11:10AM EST
da gibt es auch eine interesante karte zum thema
INTERACTIVE Map: Which ridings were hit with robo-call allegations?
Map colour denotes closeness of vote in the riding, with red being the smallest vote margins between the first- and second-place candidates. You can view a larger version of the map here.
The list of ridings that received misleading calls during the last federal election continues to grow. Two key trends have emerged in alleged voter suppression tactics:
robo-calls for donations or a change in polling stations; misleading live calls related to the candidate, donations or a change in polling stations. Here is what readers said. Click here to send us your own story.
Stacey Stevens, Guelph, Ont.
“I received an automated call (450 area code) the morning of the election from ‘Elections Canada’ informing me that my polling station had been changed to the Old Quebec Street mall. I knew that that was not true as my husband and I had already voted at the polling station listed on our voters cards about 20 minutes before.”
Stephen White, Northumberland-Quinte West, Ont.
“Received a call late in the evening after my two infant children were asleep. The call had bad timing, but more importantly it claimed to be the Liberal party and basically suggested that my support for them was a given. ... At the time, I was torn between who to vote for. I told my spouse at that time that I would not vote for Liberal.”
Leslie Venturino, Parkdale-High Park, Ont.
“We received two calls, the first from a company on behalf of the Conservative Party, despite the fact that I have never voted Conservative. [The call was] really late, past the time that telemarketers are allowed to call. The other call was completely automated to inform me that our polling station had moved. I had already voted in the advance poll.”
Michael Cole, Beaches-East York, Ont.
“It was very late at night, got a call asking for support [was an IVR, not a human] and it was for the Liberal incumbent. My wife and I were both very annoyed by the call, almost voted NDP as a direct result.”
Peter Radencich, Ancaster-Dundas-Flamborough-Westdale, Ont.
“Two calls from the Conservative Party asking if I would support them during this election. I prefer to keep my choice for voting private, so I initially declined to respond, but upon the second request, I declined to give support. Then a few days later I was called to ask if I knew where my polling station was, and I humored them and said no. I was told that my polling station was in downtown Dundas, Ont., many kilometres away. I did end up calling and confirming my polling station had not changed from the previous federal election.”
Glen Pearson, Liberal incumbent who lost his seat in London North Centre, Ont.
“In the last week of the campaign there was a decided change in mood at the many doors the volunteers and I visited. We continued to hear from voters that they had been phoned by someone claiming to be from the Conservative Party, that I spent months a year in Africa and thus not in Ottawa or in the riding. This was untrue. Because it occurred in the final days prior to the election, there was little we could do about it and the damage was done.”
Jim Maloway, the NDP incumbent who lost his seat in Elmwood, Man.
“I heard from one gentlemen who said he picked up the phone because the caller ID said Elections Canada. But they gave the wrong info, saying he had to go vote someplace else, which he said wasn’t true.”
Liberal candidate Bryan May, Cambridge, Ont.
“Most of the reports were saying they were getting harasing calls at a time when our campaign office was closed. We also got hit by a robo fax all weekend leading up to the campaign. Our phone lines were jammed ... and we couldn't reach out to voters or arrange pick-up rides. You can imagine how debilitating that was.”
Zitat von Flieger vom KlosterHier in Kanada sind wir ja soooo erfahren, dass wir in anderen Laender als Wahlbeobachter eingesetzt werden..... What a job!!
Zitat von Flieger vom KlosterHier in Kanada sind wir ja soooo erfahren, dass wir in anderen Laender als Wahlbeobachter eingesetzt werden..... What a job!!
Ironisch, nicht wahr? Aber ein guter punkt.
Nur so kann man das ueberleben... Bin ja gespannt, was da so bei raus kommt?