Habe diesen wirklich sehr interessanten Artikel in der jetzigen Ausgabe des Macleans magazine gelesen. In der Printversion heisst der Titel: "A Disposable Workforce" .
They are an increasingly diverse group. A changing mix of migrant occupations signals a shift in the way employers rely on foreigners to do jobs Canadians won’t. York University immigration expert Alan Simmons says the rapid growth has come outside traditional farm and domestic work, in industries like meat-packing, warehousing and hotels. Temporary workers now greatly outnumber newcomers accepted for good. From 2006 to 2010, the number of foreigners living in Canada as permanent residents on their way to citizenship increased only 12 per cent, from 251,642 to 280,681, during a five-year span when the foreign temporary-worker population ballooned by nearly 70 per cent.
kein wunder, dass (ausser im alberta ölsand business) die löhne so niedrig bleiben.
das erinnert mich immer an die stories von jack london oder s.w. maugham über die technik - die angeheuerten arbeitskräfte in abhängigkeit zu halten - damals 1900.
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Thelaughingman Fucu Collapse
Stephen Harper, John Baird, Rob Nicholson and Vic Toews should be tarred and feathered, then banished from Canada!
Temporary workers are better for us than immigrants.
I don't see a problem with getting our crops picked by people willing to do it, who then go back to their homelands instead of enrolling their children in our schools, or taking from our healthcare system.
We get the labour we need, without having to subsidize a family who don't pay enough in taxes to offset all the services they use.
Astounding that new immigrants have to compete for jobs with temporary workers who ALL send there salaries OUT of Canada. Give your head a shake!