die diskusion, warum man als deutsche krankenschwester eine prüfung in ca machen muss ist ja immer wieder aufgetaucht
hier ein bericht aus BC - was die Nurse alles an verantwortung hat und was weiter an verantwortung auf sie übertragen wird.
Nurse practitioners' role expanded in B.C.
Nurse practitioners are being given expanded roles in B.C. hospitals that will allow them to admit and discharge patients.
It’s a move that Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid says will make the health-care system more efficient, especially in rural communities, saving doctors, nurses and patients time.
MacDiarmid announced Thursday that nurse practitioners will be able to admit and discharge patients, an expansion to their current roles that include diagnosing, prescribing and ordering diagnostic tests to treat common medical conditions.
But Dr. Shelley Ross, president of the B.C. Medical Association, which represents physicians, medical residents and students, said in a statement that doctors should remain the team leaders who oversee patients' care.
MacDiarmid said until now, nurse practitioners, who have more training than registered nurses, had to wait for somebody else to sign off on the admissions and discharges of patients.
und so weiter
B.C. is now the second province in Canada, behind Ontario, to give nurse practitioners admitting and discharging privileges.
According to the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia, the number of nurse practitioners in B.C. has grown from 156 in 2009 to 246 this year.
Nurse Practitioners bitte nicht mit einer Registered Nurse in einen Topf werfen! Scope of Practice for NP's ist komplexer wie der einer "normalen" RN!
Nurse practitioners sind keine Krankenschwestern = Registered Nurse mit regulaerer Ausbildung von 4 Jahren, sondern um den RNP status zu erlangen mussen RN's 2 Jahre Full Time weiterstudieren!