More questions are being raised about the temporary hiring of Chinese miners to work in underground coal mines in northeastern B.C.
The United Steelworkers Union says job ads posted on the Government of Canada’s job bank last year list speaking Mandarin as an asset.
Director Stephen Hunt says this raises questions about the requirements for working at the mines, especially after one company found no qualified Canadians to work at an underground mine near Tumbler Ridge.
"It doesn't smell right to us. It doesn't look right to a lot of people in British Columbia and Canada," he said.
"We just think it's a cheap way to bring people in to extract a resource that's been there for a million years."
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Importing the communists--think about it. Why does Canada need workers from Communist China? A few as a start then around 200 more! Then later more spread throughout the country. Communist China can take over the USA and Canada without firing a shot. If the communist sympathizers Romney and Ryan are elected in the USA the USA will become no-more as we know it. The communists will take over all important industries and workers will become semi-slaves as in Communist China. The importation of communist workers into Canada will be the downfall of Canada as we know it. Both the USA and Canada will have within our countries a communist China "5th column." Of course the highrollers in the USA and Canada won't mind that takeover as long as they get a cut of the action. After all--cheap labor makes for bigger profits for the few. And, don't even think of health care and financial benefits for the working class--that'll take away from profits--just treat us all like the communists treat their people in Communist China.
denkt daran - eure kinder suchen auch mal arbeit in kanada - nicht nur ihr!!!!
Das ist wie mit Tuerkisch in Deutschland, oder in der Modeindustrie in Italien. Dort wurden mal vor Jaaahren 100 Naeher eingestellt. Jetzt arbeiten um die 40 000 Chinesische Arbeiter, teilweise im Untergrund, dort.
und ja, er hat recht. es nervt einfach. leider heißt es ja nicht umsonst hongcouver inzwischen statt vancouver. nix gegen kulturellen mix, aber viele kanadier sind einfach von der überschwemmung durch eine bestimmte volksgruppe angenervt.