At this moment we are 2 families ready to make the jump across the pond to canada, the problem is can we just turn up and hope to just get jobs in our qualified areas (Tischler meister ,Technische zeichnerin, cnc Fräser)and then apply for a perminent residency When we are there or will we get kicked out back to Germany?
Also ther are the 5 children involved in this all of which are at school here in Germany and to bring them over and not be able to get settled would be a real bum deal.
Is it perhaps just best for the men to go over first, get work, then bring the families over asap, and if so how long is asap. Or should we just go through the Canadian Embassy here in Berlin and spend lots of money and time hoping to get a visa.
I have also heard that without a visa then there is no chance of a job because with the visa comes the social security number and without one of those you cant obtain a job?
Christ i,ve got millions of questions and no answers, as u can guess i,m English and I thought that as everybody who,s interested in moving to canada must be able to speak English I,m not being rude but lets say that if you cant read this mail then u seriously need to go to evening school and start learning English :lol
looking forwards to hearing from anybody who,s moved across and been in the same position as me and our friends and has gained loads of expierience and would like tho share it .
p.s an answer can either be in English or German it Doesn,t matter what ever is easiest for u.
I suggest reading this forum first. Most of your questions have already been answered. A little research will take you a long way.
In a nutshell: No visa, or work permit, no right to live and work in Canada. You'll be tourists and as such you're neither allowed to work, nor to stay in the country for longer than six months.
There are numerous ways to immigrate to Canada. The Citizenship and Immigration site of the Canadian government will give you all of the information you need.
Ich glaube, wenn die Fragen präziser wären, wäre es leichter, Dir zu helfen. Dazu kannst Du entweder in Foren lesen oder auch Googlen.
Die deutsche Sprache hier im Forum und auf anderen deutschen Webseiten sollte für Dich ja kein Problem sein, da Du ja offensichtlich schon nach Deutschland emigriert bist, und falls doch, solltest du ernsthaft erwägen, einen Kurs zu machen.
"Christ i,ve got millions of questions and no answers, as u can guess i,m English and I thought that as everybody who,s interested in moving to canada must be able to speak English I,m not being rude but lets say that if you cant read this mail then u seriously need to go to evening school and start learning English :lol "
es gibt jede menge arbeiter, die mit minimal englisch nach ca gehen - dort bereits einen job haben und einen boss, der keine probleme hat - dass diese leute deinen text nicht lesen können
bonne chance
PS - es gibt auch sehr viele die französisch können und sich einen teufel darum scheren deinen text lesen zu können - die wandern auch ein und haben dort drüben ein feines leben : - ))))
No, Wayne, most of us don't have a problem, reading your sentences. So one can use it as an exercise or simply communicate in this language.
I'm convinced that you can find a lot of answers here in this forum, as many questions have been answered yet. You are right in saying, that every interested or prospective immigrant should be able at least in understanding you. So if there are special questions you can't find here or at the embassy site, let us know.
oh christ it looks like i got off on the wrong foot again , no need to get upset there was nothing nasty meant when i said the english thing sorry for any misunderstanding i know exactly what its like starting a new life abroad when you dont speak the language to well i came to germany in 1987 and couldn,t speak a word of deutsch but since then i,ve gained a realschuleabschluß im schnitt 2,1 und ne umschulung als zerspanungsmechaniker . sorry nochmal wayne
I cant either but im not worried bout that. As long as ur not planning on going to Quebec , people there are a bit ,um, lets say picky about their language and other things regarding their french heir and identity.
My boy friend, who is canadian and living in Ottawa (oh and he was even born in Montreal, QC), which is right on the border to Quebec, can hardly speak any french but obviously he got along pretty well without it.
As far as i know any immigrant can take a basic french course paid by the government. Which I certainly will do.
I cant either but im not worried bout that. As long as ur not planning on going to Quebec , people there are a bit ,um, lets say picky about their language and other things regarding their french heir and identity.
My boy friend, who is canadian and living in Ottawa (oh and he was even born in Montreal, QC), which is right on the border to Quebec, can hardly speak any french but obviously he got along pretty well without it.
As far as i know any imigrant can take a basic french course paid by the government. Which I certainly will do.
dort bekommst du die ersten fragen beantwortet - alle formulare sind auch dort.
sehr gut ist auch das brit forum - wurde bereits genannt
entweder zieht ihr als skilled worker rüber oder bereits mit temporary work permit
als touristen rüber zu gehen ist etwas "verrückt" - besonders da ihr kinder habt - die dürften nicht zur schule etc - krankenversicherung und was es sonst noch
problem ist auch die job situation in ontario - in der industrie werden jobs abgebaut - auch in der auto-industrie sieht die lage etwas undurchsichtig aus
maybe quebec ist nicht schlecht, wenn du bereits was französisch kannst - und dort ist industrie
I´m almost in the same boat as yourself, but only as far as being an ex-squaddie is concerned. I knew someone called Wayne. I left the army in ´87 and stayed here as a civilian. Now I´m almost done with my immigration stuff, just going through the last rituals. I would be interested to know who you really are?