der engländer beschreibt unter anderen rassismus, die er als engländer in ca erlebte!!!!!!
viel spass beim lesen
This is what I have read on, from a man in Ontario. I am not trying to put people off Canada, but just trying to keep them informed of the way this country is going.
It took us 5 years to qualify to emigrate to Canada and was a dream we had for a long time. We have been here now for almost 5 years and only this year have we started to settle. If I had known then what I know now we would never have come. Our experience has been varied and we have encountered most things that people spend a lifetime doing!! I have worked 3 jobs, had 4 cars, 3 homes and been in one car accident.
In the 3 homes (bought and sold) we paid $46,000 in fees. If you pay less than 25% deposit on a house CHMC take a cut, then the solicitor fees will be approx. $4000 (buy and sell) and the realtors well ... they are cut throat and manipulative. If your realtor knows your onto them!! they wont sell your home and one thing we've discovered about many Canadians is that they are like sheep. They are too tired and drained to fight what is going on and if someone tells them not to do something they wont, without even questioning it. Most of them have 2 or 3 jobs just to survive.
We had a car accident that wrote a $40,000 car off. We were injured but did the insurance pay out? nope .... did we get to take time off work? nope .... the insurance would only cover $300 a week income and I earn $1000, so time off work in Canada equals no pay. Not like England. The car was also a lease and as such we had to pay the maximum car insurance which was $220 a month. And the accident was caused by a guy drinking his coffee and not seeing we were stopped in a line of traffic, he drove into the back of us doing 50 mph.
Things are very expensive in Canada, the cost of living, bills, groceries, everything. When you first start out you cant find any 'no frills' like you can in Tescos, here its all expensive. We found it very tough, we got ripped off by numerous traders as 2 of the homes we lived in needed extensive renovation work.
Lets see what else ..... I was offered a job before we came to Canada and after resigning my well paid professional job in England and selling my home all within 6 weeks, I got in Canada only to find they had backtracked and were allowed to!! apparently thats common here. We had left England 6 months prior to our intended leave date solely because of this job offer and I ended up working for 9 months on minimum wage just to get by, I wasn't bringing in enough to cover the mortgage and bills never mind anything else, it was a good job we had savings with us.
Medical is very different here and expensive. We had to get anti antibiotics for a chest infection and the doctor gave us one that cost $140. It had an ingredient we specifically asked not to be given and so told the pharmacist, they just took our money anyway and said 'sorry you will have to see your doctor' we went back and got a second one that cost $70.
Where we are it 'seems' corrupt, generally the Canadians are naive and thats why the Crime Rate 'appears' low to visitors and people intending to emigrate. I work in Law enforcement and can assure you crime is steady here! it might not be as bad as England, but don't be mistaken ... its getting there in some places.
Well finally .... I wouldn't want to put people off, I just think people should be well prepared. I researched for 5 years and came out each year to visit, but at the end of the day the every day costs I didn't find out, you cant find out anywhere what bills will cost you, or car insurance etc etc .... you assume it will be the same as England but back home I paid the same bills yet had over 1000 pounds free and clear out of my wages each month, here I pay the same bills but only have $200 a month and thats before I've bought food. It can be tough for families especially.
We have also experienced a little racism. Some Canadians are rebelling against their poor treatment (and about time too!!) but they are going against the wrong people, they need to target their politicians. I am a white english person and they only know I'm not Canadian when I open my mouth and the treatment we have had by some is disgraceful as soon as they hear the accent.
Having said all that, now it would be too expensive for us to get back on the property ladder in England. We do love the summers here and our friends in work and most of our neighbours are great people, very friendly and laid back. you can go for a walk in the evening without the worry of being mobbed by a group of yobs. You can also stay at home if you want to and chill out in the garden in the sunshine without putting up with drunken neighbours partying all night. That isn't allowed here and the police do enforce the laws for noisy neighbours.
All in all Canada is beautiful, but I would call it a third world country. It is way behind the times, very outdated and people who have been here for many years refuse to believe crime and disorder exist or that children can be anything but angels, they believe everything the politicians do is solely for the public interest even though in our City the politicians are the local builders and they monopolise the community business and refuse permits to anyone who isn't on their 'list'. One of our City councillors even got charged as his company was 'throwing' up new homes without necessary permits and breaching all regulations ... the people who bought them had no one to complain to as the other councillors refused to act against their 'buddy'.
If you know what you're coming into, you will be fine, if you come here thinking its all rosy and luxury and happiness then you will be in for a shock. We are okay now as we have learnt to accept thats the way it is here and its not likely to change any time soon.
Also ich weiß auch nicht Maxim, nicht dass wir nicht negatives oder ernüchterndes hören wollen, aber überleg mal. Steht England für günstige Preise? Ist London z.B. nicht einer der teuersten Orte der Welt, in allem Lebenshaltung wie wohnen? Wo sind diese Leute denn hingezogen, wo genau kamen sie her, was waren sie. Und die Auto stories, also ich hoffe, dass sich solch Kuriositäten nicht in einem deiner Bücher wiederfinden.
hm, fand den beitrag auch etwas sehr seltsam. aber dennoch, sollte man darüber seine gedanken machen.
zum autounfall: wenn dir jemand von hinten drauffährt, dann muss dieser auch zahlen - vorausgesetzt, er/sie ist auch versichert... ich habe von einigen fällen in den USA gehört, wo gerade dies nicht der fall war. natürlich muss der unfall verurscher zahlen. wo aber nichts zu holen ist, da gehen die opfer entsprechend leer aus...
zu den lebenshaltungskosten: was mich am meisten irritiert ist, das sich die dame über die hohen kosten in CA beschwert. England (nicht nur London) ist mittlerweile so extrem teuer geworden, da sollten die kosten in CA keinen vom hocker hauen...