was das bedeutet können die mitglieder aus NS gerne erklären
Cape Breton students, groups rally for summer jobs 18/05/2007 4:31:34 PM
Students in Cape Breton are wondering if they will have to head west for work if the agencies that normally hire them for the summer don't get funding soon.
CBC News Dozens of students joined representatives from various community groups Friday at a rally to demand changes to a federal summer jobs program.
In the crowded lobby of Glace Bay's Savoy Theatre, one Cape Breton University student waved a sign that said: Heading West for Work. Need Ride?
"More than anything, we all want to stay in Cape Breton, but when we don't have a way to work and pay for tuition, sometimes our only option is to leave," said one student, Jill MacPherson.
The job at a small museum in Sydney that Charles MacKenzie hoped to land no longer exists.
"I was banking on that job and right now I'm scrambling to find another job," MacKenzie said. "I need that money, obviously, to pay bills and tuition."
The protesters circulated petitions urging federal Human Resources Minister Monte Solberg to reverse the program changes, which have resulted in a loss of 900 jobs in Cape Breton alone.
Because of those changes, which are aimed at helping disadvantaged groups and rural areas with high unemployment, many groups no longer qualify for funding.
For example, the Cape Breton Regional Municipality got money last year for more than 90 positions, but received no funding this year.
Other groups across the province denied funding include the Spryfield Boys and Girls Club, the Autism Society of Nova Scotia and the Hector Heritage Quay.
In New Brunswick, Veterans Affairs Minister Greg Thompson said the complicated program application criteria are being changed, and the non-profits denied funding would get their money soon.
"The truth is the prime minister wants it fixed, he's demanded it be fixed and it will be fixed," Thompson, an MP from New Brunswick, told reporters Friday.
But there has been no word on this from Service Canada, the department that administers the summer jobs program.
Tories seeking new image?
Pauline Thompson, who represents 36 heritage groups in central Cape Breton, hopes funding is restored soon.
"Everybody is looking at reduced hours, reduced programming, and some organizations are not even going to open," she said at the rally in Glace Bay.
Jim Guy, a political scientist at Cape Breton University, suspects the federal government's strategy is probably based on its determination to carve an image different from the previous Liberal administration.
"Ultimately, [it's the Tories' attempt] to try and kind of distance themselves from what they consider to be the Liberal approach of what they consider to be rewarding of friends," Guy said.
Zitat von maximwas das bedeutet können die mitglieder aus NS gerne erklären: Cape Breton students, groups rally for summer jobs
Das ist nichts NS-spezifisches, und heisst auch nicht, wie Deine Ueberschrift andeutet, dass es zu wenig Arbeit in Cape Breton gaebe. Minister Monte Solberg ist ein Minister der kanadischen Bundesregierung, folglich gilt die Kuerzung der Mittel kanadaweit.
HRDC hat, solange ich in Kanada lebe, immer (bis zu 50%) Lohnkostenzuschuesse fuer Organisationen und Unternehmen bereitgestellt, wenn diese, fuer zusaetzliche Arbeiten im Sommer Sudenten und Schueler beschaeftigten. In Wirklichkeit war es weniger, weil nur bis zu 50% des Stundenlohns bezuschusst wurde, aber die Arbeitgeber die Nebenkosten wie EI und WCB-Beitraege voll alleine tragen mussten. Voraussetzung war, dass die Organisationen und Arbeitgeber anderes Personal regelmaessig beschaeftigen, und dass die Schueler und Studenten nach Abschluss der Sommerferien wieder zurueck zur Schule oder Universitaet gingen. Diese Mittel scheinen wohl gekuerzt oder gestrichen worden zu sein. Viele Arbeitgeber, besonders aber Organisationen wie Museen etc. haetten zwar Projekte, fuer die sie diese Sommerstudenten beschaeftigen koennten, koennen das ohne die Zuschuesse aber nicht finanzieren.