a rather unknown fact to most immigrants of Canada is that the percentage of pot smokers here is higher than nearly anywhere in the world (even Holland!) Who would have thought it?
A lot of people I know around here (and they belong to all kinds of classes) smoke pot, it seems socially accepted and not something you need to hide or be ashamed about (unless the "fuzz" are around, of course). I even know people who grow their little plants right in the front yard.. .This came as a complete surprise to me, when I moved here. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
.. well front yard might be pushing it, it is not lined up along the driveway, but it is on the side of the house, where the electric meter is located, so the meter man hast to make his way through the marijuana plants to get to the meter.. Not exactly what I would call hidden...
by the way, if someone wants to imply that the Maritimers are the main pot smokers I can only say, there must be some others out there all over the country, since 16% of Canadians apparently do it and the 3 Atlantic provinces + Newfoundland together only account for 7.3% of the population...
Is that a kind of popular sports because of stuffiness? Or do much more people feel depressed like in any other country? Canada economic status is one of the best worldwide so I guess that could be one of the reasons why so many people smoke gras, pot or whatever.
sometimes it looks like cannabis is more accepted than alcohol. here in the north (where lots and lots of "original hippies" have been stranded) smoking pot is pretty common. I know an elderly lady (and this is NO joke) who is 75 and is still smoking pot. all ages - all classes ... thats my experience up here.
try to drink alcohol in the public and you´ll earn angry looks. if people smoke pot, its kind of ignored. at least up here.
I have to admit that the whole "pot smoking business" is turning me off a bit. When I lived in Jasper, I was rather shocked, that not only my Ex-boyfriend was heavily into it, but it seemed EVERYBODY was. Why? It is such a paradise, what do you need drugs for? Like you pointed out: it is socially acceptable. Still it is sth. I would have trouble "adapting" to. I would also worry about my child(ren). By the way, in Australia there is also lots of pot-smokers, but it seems it is more the younger people or people that have not gotten very far in life, while in Canada I felt that even layers, medical practionars, etc. were smoking....
I do not smoke pot myself - not even tobacco (but yes, i´ve tried it once). but i must admit, when it comes to rather pot-smoking or alcohol - i´d prefer sitting together with the smokers.
back then in germany (or GB, or downunder, or elsewhere), many people just drink their heads off at every possible occasion, go aggressive and loose themselves. while most pot-smokers just ease off. alcohol often ends with aggressiveness - pot-smoking with calmness.
in fact, here in canada the consumption of pot and alcohol seems to be quite moderate - at least in most cases. as long as it doesn´t go to the extremes on both parts I can absolutely tolerate it. I see alcohol and pot as relatively equal drugs. eventually alcohol leads to more victims - although its legal.
Zitat von Mrs*BlizzardI do not smoke pot myself - not even tobacco (but yes, i´ve tried it once). but i must admit, when it comes to rather pot-smoking or alcohol - i´d prefer sitting together with the smokers.
back then in germany (or GB, or downunder, or elsewhere), many people just drink their heads off at every possible occasion, go aggressive and loose themselves. while most pot-smokers just ease off. alcohol often ends with aggressiveness - pot-smoking with calmness.
in fact, here in canada the consumption of pot and alcohol seems to be quite moderate - at least in most cases. as long as it doesn´t go to the extremes on both parts I can absolutely tolerate it. I see alcohol and pot as relatively equal drugs. eventually alcohol leads to more victims - although its legal.
As already mentioned in another Thread, you can smell pot in Toronto at every street corner, anytime of day or night. Compared to my visits to Amsterdam or other cities in the NL it is really massive here. I guess it's because they're so restrictive even about beer in Ontario. Pot growers rent out whole floors in high-rises to get their business started. They are most likely caught by their huge hydro bills for the ceiling lights needed for plant growth.