Wie schaut es in Toronto mit der Kinderbetreuung aus? Gibt es dort auch Kindergärten wie in Deutschland? Wenn ja, ab welchen Alter dürfen die Kinder in solche Einrichtungen und was sind damit für Kosten verbunden?
Einfach oben auf 'Suchen' klicken, dann 'Kindergarten' eingeben. In den resultierenden Resultaten muesstest Du dann eigentlich die Antwort finden. Falls nicht, nochmal hier fragen.
Kurz: Kindergarten gibt es ab drei Jahren und ist kostenlos, alles davor (child care) muss private bezahlt werden und ist nicht ganz billig - um die $400-$600 in Toronto. Die meisten Frauen hier nehmen allerhoechstens ein Jahr Mutterschaftsurlaub. Der Kindergarten ist ganztaegig, d.h Du kannst Dein Kind da morgens abgeben und nach der Arbeit wieder abholen.
Ueberhaupt nicht. Der Tip war nur nett gemeint, nichts anderes. So musst Du nicht auf Antworten warten, sondern hast die Info sofort. Also, entschuldige bitte falls das anders rueberkam.
nichts ist kostenfrei in ca - oder sehr, sehr selten
dac care - kindergarten
Child care can be very expensive and vary quite a bit, depending on the type of care provided. For instance, according to the City of Ottawa, child care for infants and toddlers costs from $26 for a licensed home agency to $60 per day in a centre. For pre-school children between the ages of two and five, child care costs can average of $30 per day in a centre and $26 per day through a licensed home program.
In Toronto, the cost of licensed child care, without subsidies, can range from approximately $615 to $1,000 per month, depending on the type of care and the age of the child. The average cost is $750 per month. Care for infants is the most expensive. Less expensive care ($30-35 per day) is available from unlicensed caregivers who provide care in their own homes.
These prices will vary from city to city. Parents who cannot afford these costs can apply for assistance through government fee subsidies. You must meet certain income and employment criteria to be eligible.
To get more information about child care services in your community, visit our Ontario by Region section, click on the city/region where you live and then click on "Social Services." The organization that has information about local child care services will be listed there:
Zitat von maximnichts ist kostenfrei in ca - oder sehr, sehr selten
dac care - kindergarten
Maxim - daycare und Kindergarten sind zwei verschiedene Sachen. Daycare wird privat bezahlt, kann aber subsidiert werden, Kindergarten ist Teil des Schulsystems und kostenlos.
* Any child who turns four by December 31 of the current year may attend Junior Kindergarten. * Any child who turns five by December 31 of the current year, may attend Senior Kindergarten. * Children are not legally required to attend Junior and Senior Kindergarten. However, most parents take advantage of this learning opportunity.
How do I register my child for Kindergarten?
Each school sets their own registration days during the month of February. Contact your local school for dates and times.
To find out which school your child should attend click here.
What information do I need to share with the school?
To register your child the school will need:
* proof of age, such as a birth certificate or passport * proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, passport, Record of Landing, or Permanent Resident Card * proof of immunization * proof of custody * proof of address, such as lease agreement or utility bill with your name and address.
You should also share with the school:
* the child's name to be used by the school if different than on documentaion above. * allergies and/or other medical concerns * parent`s current phone numbers (home, work, cell) * name and number of child care provider * contact name and phone number in case of emergency * names of brothers or sisters attending the school * language/s spoken in the home * legal circumstances that may impact on your child.
Your child`s teacher needs to know:
* personal situations that might affect your child`s learning at school * name and phone number of person picking up the child.
It is important that information be kept current. Please let the school know of any changes to the above information.
As part of the process of registering for school, you will be asked to complete a Developmental History Form. This form is used to collect important information about your child`s interests and development. It will be used to assist the teacher in planning a program to meet your child`s needs.
What is the program in Kindergarten?
In Kindergarten, children develop concepts, learn information and most importantly, develop positive attitudes about school. Kindergarten teachers plan a program based on the children's needs and development as outlined in the Ministry of Education and Training`s document, The Kindergarten Program, Revised 2006. This document lists expectations in six learning areas: Language, Mathematics, Science and Technology, Personal and Social Development, Health and Physical Activity and the Arts.
In Kindergarten classrooms, you will find a variety of learning centres with materials for children e.g. sand, water, blocks and construction materials, drama centre, writing, book corner, painting and visual arts.
You can get a copy of The Kindergarten Program from the Ministry of Education world-wide web site. Click on the underlined text to see the program.
wenn du weitere links folgst - auf deiner site dann findest du folgenden text The child care centres provide service to infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers, kindergarten and school-age children, who are supervised by qualified staff. The TDSB currently houses over 300 sites for child care in our schools. They are licensed, regulated legal Corporations operating under the Provincial Day Nurseries Act, Ministry of Community and Social Services, and further regulated by Toronto Public Health and Children’s Services, City of Toronto. Most of the child care centres have a subsidy agreement with the City of Toronto.
We invite you to consult our directory to find the appropriate program for your child whether you are looking for infant/toddler programs, pre-school, kindergarten or before and after school. Use our child care finder to locate a program in your area, or you can browse an alphabetical listing of centres in TDSB sites. If you would like to speak with an Early Years Manager for the Toronto District School Board please call or e-mail:
Barbara Lampert, 416-394-2072 Connie Donner, 416-394-7369
Please contact the child care centre directly for information on space availability, fees, program outline, and registration.
For information about the TDSB kindergarten program and what you'll need to register for kindergarten, click here.
das heisst - der kindergarten mag kostenfrei sein - geht aber nicht von morgens 8 bis 17 uhr - dann setz zum zeitpunk x day care ein und das kostet dann wieder geld.
es ist also nicht komplet kostenfrei für eltern - mütter, die auch arbeiten gehen - ob sie wollen oder ob sie müssen