Hat jemand in letzter Zeit monetäre Analysen zur Entwicklung CAD und EUR gelesen (und kann mir sagen wo)? Es geht um Expertenmeinungen, nicht um "also ich glaube der Dollar/Euro wird schon steigen/fallen/stagnieren um 10/50/100%"
Hätte gerne etwas Information, leider sind die ganzen Analysen immer auf USD-EUR, CAD-USD oder USD-YEN EUR YEN bezogen.
Sollte ich selbst was finden, poste ich natürlich. FinancialPost habe ich durchsucht, nichts gefunden (nichts brauchbares).
The Canadian is at an all time high for several reasons:
1) 50% of Canadian economy is the export of natural resources and they are at all time high (eg OIL) 2) The Canadian economy is strong and growing and there is demand in Canada. 3) People are using the Canadian as the end play for the carry trade.
The Euro is on an artificial high because the restructuring that Canada did in the 90's Europe has not even begun! Though we live in Switzerland and it is doing fine. We moved to Europe in the 90's when the Canadian economy SUCKED! I remember graduated from engineering in 92 and 1/3 of our class had jobs. Times were REALLY though then.
What hurts is that the Swissie is hurting against the Canadian, but thankfully we bought our land at the beginning of this year (whew...)
Now the question is will it shift? I think the Loonie and Greenback will stay within 10% of each other. Eventually though the Euro will slide. Of course this depends on what decision Bernanke will make in the next couple of days. If Bernanke cuts watch out...
Zitat von J.C.DentonChina kann den USD schnell stürzen. Dann zieht es sicher auch den CAD runter. Im Moment legen viele ihr Geld in Gold an, da es wertbeständiger ist.
Genau deswegen sagte mal eine reiche Ente:
Zitat "Geld ist Gold wert, Gold auch." Zitat: Dagobert Duck