Nachdem wir unsere MPNP-Applikation am 02.10.2007 abgeschickt haben, kam nun endlich eine Meldung aus Winnipeg, zwar nicht die Filenummer aber immerhin etwas:
"" Subject: Your MPNP application has been received! Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 09:34:44 -0600 From: To: ***** CC: *****
Dear ******* :
Your application to the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program has been received by our office. A Program Officer will review your application to determine if it is complete and eligible for assessment. All the requirements for submitting a complete and eligible application are described in our application guidelines available on our website at
If your application is considered complete and eligible for assessment, you will receive notification of the final result mailed to the primary mailing address you provided in your application.
Please do not contact us during this process as all of our resources are currently devoted to assessing applications. As a result, we cannot respond to status inquiries by telephone, mail, or email as this only delays application processing times.
If your application is considered incomplete or ineligible for consideration, you will not receive a file number or assessment from the MPNP. A notice of this result will be mailed to the address you provided with your application.
Thank you for your interest in Manitoba as an immigration destination in Canada.""
Hat jemand schon so ein e-mail bekommen? Wenn ja, wie lange hat es gedauert bis die Filenummer kam?
meinst du 4-6 monate bis zu filenumber oder bis zu nominierung? denn die AOR (aknowlegement of receipt) letter laut sollten wir innerhalb eines monats nach application eingang bekommen , und nach 4-6 monate Letter of Approval .
@Gravel: Hallo!
JA wir haben schon ein konkretes ziel-Steinbach. Und ihr? Wann habt ihr den antrag abgeschickt? Dann haben wir also etwa zu gleicher zeit den antrag gestellt