Some B.C. prostitutes are hoping to open up legal brothels that would accommodate visitors to the 2010 Olympics.
The B.C. coalition of Experiential Communities wants Ottawa to give the green light to what they're calling co-operative brothels.
"This is a project which will be owned by, operated by, completely defined by the sex workers," Susan Davis, one of the advocates of the brothels, told CTV News.
Davis says that with the Olympics will come lots of visitors, including thousands of men, some of whom will be looking for easy access to sex.
As many as five projected brothels would provide safe places of business for prostitutes, Davis said.
"They are engaged in the trade in one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in North America as far as this is concerned with a mortality rate which is outrageous," Davis said.
Davis noted the group is now looking for a location for the first brothel, likely to be set up in Vancouver's east side. But it won't set up shop unless it gets a federal exemption similar to the one given to Insite, a safe injection site for drug addicts in Vancouver.
The group is already getting support from some high level politicians, including Vancouver New Democratic MP Libby Davies.
"We're talking about a proposal for a safe house that will be low-impact in a neighbourhood, and I think the primary consideration here is safety."
Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan isn't against the proposal,