Bin Schüler am Gymnasium ,17 Jahre alt und bin beim Suchen für Infos über ein Kanadastudium hier gelandet. Super Forum, man kann euch alle einfach nur Loben ...
In Kanda selber interessieren mich vor allem das Yukon territory, da ich Schnee liebe (und deshalb auch lange Winter) fasziniert vom Hundeschlittensport bin ( hab leider "nur" eine Katze), und die Berge liebe (=Rocky Mountains). Außerdem liebe ich es durch nahezu unberührte Natur zu wandern, radeln etc. . Alles Dinge die In D Ziemlich schwer zu machen sind, bis auf vlt die Berge=Alpen.
Auswandern nach Kanada wäre somit im Moment ein Traum für mich, aber des wird wohl noch ein paar Jahre dauern und Träume können sich ja auch ändern....
Willkommen hier im Forum. Schön das es auch "jüngere" Menschen gibt die sich hier anmelden. Findest mit Sicherheit hier viele Antworten auf Deine Fragen...wenn nicht dann einfach fragen, ab und zu bekommt man auch "lustige" Anworten Ja der Yukon ist schon was besonderes, gibt hier ein paar User die davon ganz begeistert sind. Schnee jedoch gibt es in anderen Regionen Kanadas fast noch mehr als im Yukon.
auch aus Ontario Willkommen im Forum! Wenn auswandern Dein Traum ist dann behalt das einfach mal im Auge...... aber lass Dir Zeit. Mit 17 hast Du ja noch jede Menge Zeit..... Du liebst den Schnee? Habe ich auch immer gesagt...... hmmmmm....... wenn ich ihn jetzt nicht jeden morgen schaufeln muesste!
Hier was lustiges in Sachen Schnee:
Gruss, Jan
Dear Diary
Aug. 12 - Moved to our new home in Canada. I am so excited. It's so beautiful here. The mountains are so majestic. Can hardly wait to see them with snow covering them. Oct. 14 - Canada -- it is the most beautiful place on earth. The leaves have turned all colors and shades of red and orange. Went for a ride through the beautiful countryside and saw some deer. They are so graceful. Certainly they are the most wonderful animals on earth. This must be paradise. I love it here! Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day. Deer season starts soon. I can't imagine anyone wanting to kill such a gorgeous creature. Hope it snows soon. I love it here! Dec. 2 - It snowed last night. Woke up to find everything blanketed with white. It looks like a postcard. We went outside and cleaned the snow off the steps and shoveled the driveway. We had a snowball fight (I won). When the snow plough came by we had to shovel the driveway again. What a beautiful place. I love Canada! Dec. 12 - More snow last night. The snow plough did his trick again to the driveway. I love it here. Dec. 19 - More snow last night. Couldn't get out of the driveway to get to work. It's beautiful here but I'm exhausted from shoveling. F#cking snow plough. Dec. 22 - More of that white shit fell last night. I've got blisters on my hands and a sore back from shoveling. I think the snow plough hides around the corner until I'm done shoveling the driveway. Asshole. Dec. 25 - Merry F#cking Christmas! More frigging snow. If I ever get my hands on the sonovabitch who drives the snow plough, I swear I'll kill the bastard. Don't know why they don't use more salt on the roads to melt the f#cking ice. Dec. 27 - More white shit last night. Been inside for three days now except for shoveling out the driveway after that snow plough goes through every time. Can't go anywhere, the car's stuck in a mountain of white crap and it is so frigging cold. The weatherman says to expect another 10 inches of the crap again tonight. Do you know how many shovels full of snow 10 inches is? Dec. 28 - That f#cking weatherman was wrong. We got 34 inches of the crap this time. At this rate it won't melt before summer. The snow plough got stuck up in the road and that bastard came to my door and asked to borrow my shovel. After I told him that I had already broken six shovels shoveling out all the crap he had pushed into my driveway, I damn near broke my last one over his f#cking head. Jan. 4 - Finally got out of the house today. Went to the store to get food and on my way back a damned deer ran in front of the car. Did about $3,000 damage to the car. Those beasts should be killed. The bastards are everywhere. Wish the hunters had exterminated them all last November. May 3 - Took the car to the garage in town. Would you believe the thing is rusted out from all that salt they put all over the roads. May 10 - Moved to Florida. I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would ever want to live in such a God forsaken place as Canada!