Court strikes down regulation limiting growers of medical marijuana 11/01/2008 12:45:05 AM
Canadians who are prescribed marijuana to treat their illnesses will no longer be forced to rely on the federal government as a supplier following a Federal Court ruling that struck down a key restriction in Ottawa's controversial medical marijuana program.
CBC News
The decision by Judge Barry Strayer, released late Thursday, essentially grants medical marijuana users more freedom in picking their own grower and allows growers to supply the drug to more than one patient.
It's also another blow to the federal government, whose attempts to tightly control access to medical marijuana have prompted numerous court challenges.
In DE musst da Pharmazie studiert haben Danach nennt sich das dann wohl Methadon-Programm.
In DE ist der Anbau von Canabis legal, wenn er der Schaedlingsbekaempfung dient und vor der Bluete gemaeht wird. In CA kannst hierfuer einen Goverment Grant bekommen und die Ernte an die Pharmaindustrie verkaufen.