Joe Shmoe 1 The Main Street Littlehaven ON A1B 2C3
tel: 555 123 4567
March 2001 to present Vice President of Bottle Cleaning, Ontario Bottle Cleaning Corporation
For the last five years I have been responsible for the cleanliness of the entire bootle output of this plant. I surevise a team of 50 trained mice and am responsible for the hiring and training of the workforce. In 2004 I passed the Ontario Bottle Cleaner Exam, giving me valuable insight into this crowded and difficult market.
June 1997 - March 2001 Junior Tea Boy, Jimmy's barber shop, Marchville Ontario I was responsible for the preparation of beverages to be served to Jimmy's clients. I learned much about working with the general public the importanc of good service.
June 1995 - January 2001 Davenson college for the gifted, Wallsville, Ontario
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