We have Same Sex Marriage in Ca, though this could be next. Or may be one wife and four men?
CBC headhuncho has been sacked for making (negative) comments about some male Moslems preference for pleasing certain fourlegged creatures as long as those are female; as this is considered within their Laws??!!!
Good place to raise Kids too; for grade 6 school education about alternative life(sex) choices is now mandatory in BC. No opting out allowed.
4 wives allowed if you are Moslem, but Canada is not ready to go along quiet yet as per PPM (Immigration Guru); Charter of Rights Challenge here?
This my create a chuckle, but it is about Canada Immigration. Same Sex, Polygamy and any combination thinkable.
This is from Google Group misc.immigration.canada:
Multiple wives question All 2 messages in topic - view as tree
I have two questions that I desperately seek help for:
1- A Canadian citizen has two wives in Turkey where he wed both of them within the last two years. He is planning to apply for one of them for an immigrant visa, is that legal?.
2- Does the Canadian laws against Polygamy apply for marriages consummated outside Canada, or does it apply only if you are married and reside with both wives in Canada.
> I have two questions that I desperately seek help for:
> 1- A Canadian citizen has two wives in Turkey where he wed both of them > within the last two years. He is planning to apply for one of them for > an immigrant visa, is that legal?.
> 2- Does the Canadian laws against Polygamy apply for marriages > consummated outside Canada, or does it apply only if you are married > and reside with both wives in Canada.
Ach ja, wirklich??? Es sei denn, Du lebst in Bountiful, etwas ausserhalb von Creston, in den BC-Kootenays, oder wie - und natuerlich unter dem Deckmantel einer religioesen Gemeinschaft.