Bisher habe ich noch nie darauf geachtet, ob man im "normalen" Extra Food/Superstore/IGA .... sowas wie Zwieback bekommt..... Hat die jemand schon mal gesehen/gekauft???
Danke! Makwa
P.S. Zur Zeit in D, kann deshalb nicht selbst forschen.
Habe letztes Jahr im frankonischen Teil auch welchen gefunden der keine Seereise hinter sich hatte, wobei ich zugeben muß das wir eine Weile gesucht hatten und unsere Vorräte an Zwieback solange rationiert waren.
Zitat von Makwa Bisher habe ich noch nie darauf geachtet, ob man im "normalen" Extra Food/Superstore/IGA .... sowas wie Zwieback bekommt..... Hat die jemand schon mal gesehen/gekauft???
What is "Zwieback"? Is it a necessity to survive in Canada?
Zwieback is a biscuit that has been invented during the 18th century as durable nutrition for sailors. It is baked twice (Zwie - twice, back - baked) and all hard and crumbly, tastes a bit sweet and especially kids love this crunchy munch. You can also eat "Zwieback" when you have tummy aches and shouldn't eat any fat or sugar - for me it stands for beeing sick!
But actually it tastes fine - with a bit of butter spread on it and sprinkled with sugar it is a nice treat accompanying the afternoon tea. Also you can nibble it when you are on diet - it's healthier than popcorn or chips... but also half as yummy!
We call it "beschuit" in the Netherlands and it's served when babies are born with "muisjes", aniseed sprinkles. Blue sprinkles for boys, pink for girls. Otherwise you eat it with cheese, jam or, as my youngest sons likes them, with peanutbutter
Oh that's quite a nice idea! I'd love the blush pink ones.... Yep - with Peanutbutter they must be good. And as I said. It's a typical northern treat you have with your afternoon tea. Inexpensive and nutricious.
Mmmh.... I think I still have a package in my kitchen - even if anything else is already gone... only 11 days to go - won't need so many stocks anymore!!
Just finished packing the fifth box of "following goods"... arghh... it's getting more and more... or other way round. I pack and pack box after box and there are still so many things I seem to need desperately in CAN!
On the other hand - emigrating with only 6 boxes, 3 cases (incl. the PC), a golfbag and my dog is pretty good, isn't it???
Well..... it's just me and the dog! But hey - the dogs toys are plenty! ) ..... ARGHHHH AND NOT EVEN PACKED!
Maybe I should spend a second thought on the 20 kg Box of shoes... But I already downsized from 40 kg to 20.... that's quite an achievement I think, eh?!
Oh whatever! I am spending so much money anyway - if it's one box more or less (62 EUR)... it's not going to ruin my plan in total! Just that it doesnt feel like "feng shui" anymore!
Zitat von Mermaid3011 Maybe I should spend a second thought on the 20 kg Box of shoes... But I already downsized from 40 kg to 20.... that's quite an achievement I think, eh?!
Mermaid3011 aka Imelda Marcos????? What are you going to do with all them shoes??? It's soooo easy: 1 pair of flipflops for summer, 1 pair of snowboots for winter, 1 pair of sneakers, 1 pair of walking shoes, 1 pair for extra.
ZitatJust that it doesnt feel like "feng shui" anymore!
Feng Shui during moving? Fat change
ZitatWhen are you planning to leave for the new world?
Er...yesterday???? Ours is a sad story..... In short: send in PR application in february 2006. Got invitation for interview in November 2007. Application times were still one year when we sent in the stuff.....we almost belong to the Berlin Embassy Veterans League, I feel.
Ah well...the waiting's become a habit. Never thougth I'd say that