der zentrale punkt ist heute und in der zukunft die wartezeit bis das pr visa ausgestellt wird
ich spreche con der skilled worker class
der plan ist, dies für bestimmte berufsgruppen zu verbessern frage jetzt aber bitte nicht welche berufsgruppe - hat cic noch nicht bekanntgegeben
bei einer neuwahl, wo dann die liberalen möglicherweise die regierung stellen - wollen diie ja die derzeitige gesetzeslage wieder ändern
das heißt, die wartezeit bleiben weiter extrem lang
einfach ausgedrückt es bleibt kompliziert - irgendetwas genaues zu sagen
das betrifft vor allem - soll man jetzt den antrag stellen oder erst, wenn die neuen bedingungen bekannt sind, soll man es noch dieses jahr tun oder erst im januar
OTTAWA AND HAMILTON — Prime Minister Stephen Harper set a collision course for a fall election on Tuesday, indicating he has given up on the fixed date his government wrote into law and will decide in a few weeks whether to call a national vote.
Delivery of an ultimatum when the Commons resumes sitting next month could send Canadians to the polls as early as Oct. 27, or even sooner if Mr. Harper decides to call off the session entirely to go straight to the hustings.
He said his own fixed-date election law is no longer relevant because of the election talk from the opposition.
Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said the Prime Minister's comments show Mr. Harper is willing to break his word and his law for political convenience. Mr. Dion said he has not decided whether he will move in the Commons to bring down the government in the fall, but added, “It is something that we may do.”
The Prime Minister sets a collision course for a fall election, indicating he will decide in a few weeks whether to call a national vote
In Hamilton on Tuesday, Mr. Harper said it is now clear the election will come before the fixed date set by his law, and that he might trigger it.
“Obviously, the election will not be in October, 2009, and it's obvious I will have to analyze the parliamentary situation,” he said in French. Unprompted, he returned to the topic later in English to make sure no one missed his point. ...
erneut - das betrifft alles was cic vorhat - was daraus wird steht im kaffesatz der wahrsagerin