Es gibt einige Möglichkeiten, nach Vancouver Island zu kommen und wieder zurück ans Festland. Letztes Jahr im Juli waren mehrere große Fähren defekt. Eile darf man da nicht haben. Es war angenehm, nach Victoria zu fliegen von Vancouver aus und zurück 2006.
B.C. Ferries adds late sailings to help with delays Expect three ferry sailing waits
Tom McMillan, Times Colonist Friday, August 22, 2008
B.C. Ferries has added a late night sailing on the Swartz Bay-Tswwassen route tonight and Sunday to help with delays due to a disabled ferry.
As of 2 p.m. today, there was a three-sailing wait with the 3 p.m., 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. full. The next sailing is at 7 p.m. Similar waits expected throughout the weekend as residents and visitors enjoy the last weeks of summer.
Four sailings from Swart Bay, the 10 a.m., 2 p.m., 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. were cancelled today as well as the 8 a.m. noon, 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. from Tswwassen.
The corporation has said people with reservations will be accommodated on the next available sailing.
The delays started yesterday after the 9 a.m. sailing of the Spirit of British Columbia from Swartz Bay yesterday was nearly three hours late arriving at Tsawwassen because of a malfunctioning propeller. The breakdown forced the crew to reduce the ferry's speed to 12 knots and steer the vessel away from the swift-moving waters of Active Pass.
The ship is currently on route to B.C. Ferries' docks in Esquimalt, where it will be dry docked tomorrow, said B.C. Ferries spokeswoman Deborah Marshall.
Engineers will then exactly what went wrong and how long it will take to repair.
"We know it's going to be out for the weekend for sure," she said.
There are still three ships operating on the Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay route and B.C. Ferries has scheduled an 11 p.m. sailing tonight and Sunday night to help delayed travellers, Marshall said.
There is also an extra sailing in the Horseshoe Bay to Departure Bay run tonight, for those looking to take an alternative route to the mainland.
Vancouver Airport - Richmond nach Nanaimo Harbour - 20 Minuten 1 Passagier 67,00 $ plus 3,36 $ in applicable taxes
Baggage Limitations
Vancouver to Victoria, Nanaimo and the Guld Islands: 25 pounds
Langley Airport to Victoria: 25 pounds
Richmond to Victoria and Nanaimo: 50 pounds
Alles, was über 50 pounds ist, kostet mehr pro pound. Man kann Gepäck aufteilen und das nächste Seaplane, das Platz hat, nimmt das Gepäck dann mit zum Zielhafen. Problemslos gingen 28 kg Gepäck (ohne Mehrkosten).
VICTORIA – BC Ferries is reducing service this fall and winter because of falling ridership. After the Thanksgiving long weekend some off-peak sailings on major routes serving Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast will be eliminated. BC Ferries says the trips being scrapped are traditionally the least busy and say the overall reduction in sailings represents about one per cent of the sailings on the major routes. The December holiday season will not be affected by the sailing reductions.
B-C Ferries has also decided to substitute smaller, older ferries for large ships at certain times as well.
The Spirit of British Columbia will be replaced by the 46-year-old Queen of Vancouver on the Tsawwassen-Swartz Bay route until mid-December, while the brand new Coastal Renaissance will only operate Friday through Sunday on the Departure Bay to Horseshoe Bay route with the 32-year old Queen of Cowichan sailing Monday through Thursday.
Fährgesellschaft BC Ferries ist angewiesen, die Preise für Dezember 2008 und Januar 2009 um 33 Prozent temporär zu senken. Ob die Preise auch dauerhaft gesenkt werden, hängt von der weiteren Treibstoffkostenentwicklung ab.
Campbell said Wednesday evening that BC Ferries fares will be cut 33 per cent in December and January. He also ordered the restoration of three cancelled off-peak sailings on the Horseshoe Bay-Langdale and Horseshoe Bay-Nanaimo routes.
A one-third cut in rates would drop the current fare for a car and driver on the main routes from $60, including the fuel surcharge, to about $40.