es wird leichter für franzosen und quebecer in beiden "nationen" zu arbeiten - als für canadier in quebec - oder quebecer im RoC (rest of canada)
French workers gain access to Quebec market
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Globe and Mail Update
October 17, 2008 at 3:50 PM EDT
Quebec City — It will soon be easier for French workers to cross the Atlantic to work in Quebec than it is for other Canadians to work in the province.
Under a new manpower mobility agreement, French professionals such as doctors, dentists, lawyers and even midwives will have unconstrained access to the Quebec labour market. So will French tradesmen such as painters, brick-layers, heavy equipment operators and elevator maintenance workers. The same will apply for Quebeckers who want to work in France.
By the end of next year a dozen professions and almost as many trades in France and Quebec will be deregulated. The total number will climb to about 100 by the end of 2010.
The agreement was signed by Premier Jean Charest and French President Nicolas Sarkozy who has arrived in Quebec to attend the 12th Francophonie summit that is being held in Quebec City to mark the city's 400th anniversary.
It is an unprecedented arrangement between a Canadian province and a foreign country where Quebec is taking full advantage of its privileged diplomatic relations with France. The bilateral agreement lifts most barriers that normally apply to foreigners seeking jobs in Quebec's tightly regulated trades and professions labour market.
The Minister of International relations Monique Gagnon-Tremblay recognizes that the fact French workers will have easier access to the Quebec market that Canadians from other provinces is an anomaly.
“There are too many regulations among provinces,” the Minister said. “It's abnormal but we hope negotiations among the provinces will eventually make mobility it easier. It is inadmissible that we can have a deal like this with France but not among ourselves.”
Rather than take a minimum of 18 months- or even as much as three years for certain professionals such as architects- to obtain proper qualifications to work in Quebec, French workers will be admitted to the Quebec job market within a few weeks after meeting certain public safety standards.
Zitat von maximwer also als deutscher in frankreich lebt und arbeitet profitiert möglicherweise auch von diesem vertrag - schätze ich
Ich vermute, dass hier die franzoesische Staatsbuergerschaft gefragt ist.....
Ich denke nicht, dass F-Staatsbürgerschaft notwendig ist. Frankreich und Quebec anerkennen gegenseitig die (besser: eine Auswahl der) in Quebec resp. in Frankreich gemachten Abschlüsse, Diplome.
Du nouveau pour les immigrants français au Québec [...] Le 17 octobre, le Premier ministre du Québec, Jean Charest, et le président Sarkozy devraient signer, en marge du XIIe Sommet de la francophonie, à Québec, une entente sur la reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications professionnelles. Ainsi, à terme, un médecin, un comptable ou un charpentier ayant le droit de pratique en France pourront exercer leur métier au Québec et vice versa (voir l'encadré). Les législations québécoise et française seront adaptées en conséquence. [...]
Sarkozy repräsentiert in diesem Abkommen Frankreich und nicht, als derzeitiger Vorsitzender des des Europäischen Rates, die EU. - Also gilt es nur für Frankreich. Vorerst. Die Europäische Union scheint aber ein Interesse an diesem in Frankreich noch zu ratifizierenden Vertrag zu bekunden. Könnte also durchaus noch geschehen, dass in einem späteren Zeitpunkt der Vertrag auf das ganze EU-Gebiet ausgeweitet werden könnte. - Quebec braucht Fachkräfte.