I went to the Alberta info session in Leeds last night. I asked them about 'The List' and was advised that it would be issued sometime in the next 3 months! I certainly hope it doesn't take as long as that!
das vermute ich auch der grund ist die derzeitige unsicherheit, wie es mit der rezession weitergeht
die kanadier wollen darum derzeit keine imigranten haben, die ihren lanndsleuten die arbeit wegnehmen könnten
sämtliche anträge liegen damit bis mitte februar auf eis - anträge, die nach dem 27.92.08 gestellt wurden und wo die antragsteller keinen jobvertrag mit kanadischen firmen haben.
nicht betroffen sind anträge über PNP oder von leuten mit einem work permit in ca - der hat aber unbefristet zu sein!
das heißt, wenn der arbeitgeber nicht bereit ist einen unbefristeten arbeitsvertrag auszustellen - dann sieht es auch schlecht aus.
alle anträge vor dem 27.02.08 werden weiterbearbeitet - aber wie schnell das geht - keine ahnung.
anträge in der family class sind auch nicht betroffen und werden darum relativ zügig bearbeitet
wer sich sicher ist, dass sein beruf auf der zukünftigen liste steht sollte anfang januar einen antrag stellen
alle derzeit existierenden listen der erwünschten berufe sind nur spekulation und sollten nicht ernstgenommen werden
ergänzend zu dem obigem rezession - auch wenn einige hier im forum - die bereits in ca sind - nichts davon merken werden
andere werden es merken
Canada in recession: OECD Julian Beltrame, THE CANADIAN PRESS November 25, 2008 OTTAWA - Canada has fallen into a recession that will last for most of next year as the world falls into the worst slump in a quarter of a century, says a respected international think-tank.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development says Canada will not be immune from the global malaise, the worst since the deep recession of the early 1980s, and will see its economy shrink by an average 0.5 per cent next year.
That is by far the worst of any projection for the Canadian economy by any official or quasi-official body, although some private-sector economists have previously put the country into deficit territory. The OECD is an international think tank representing 30 of the world's most advanced economies.
The body says as an exporting nation, Canada is being sideswiped by the global financial crisis and economic slowdown and will experience a downturn in most economic indicators next year.
It predicts unemployment will rise above seven per cent from the current 6.2 per cent and that federal and provincial governments will record an accumulated deficit of 1.3 per cent of gross domestic product.
"Sharply deteriorating conditions in global financial markets, generalized softness in the U.S. economy and receding commodity prices are amplifying export weakness and dragging down domestic spending," the think-tank says.
"The general government is expected to move into deficit in 2009 and 2010, a largely cyclical outcome that is not alarming and leaves room to absorb eventualities but underlines the need to keep a lid on discretionary expenditure increases."
The report predicts private consumption will fall 0.6 per cent next year.
The OECD said the Bank of Canada should also act by reducing interest rates, something economists predict will occur at the next scheduled action date, Dec. 9.
The think-tank predicts Canada's economy will recover in 2010 and advance by 2.1 per cent, a tepid rebound, given that it is coming off a down year.
Although the OECD says Canada is in better shape than many countries confronting the downturn, the average 0.5 per cent contraction in 2009 is in line with than the 30-country average of 0.4 per cent.
The U.S. will be among the worst affected, with a gross domestic product contraction of 0.9 per cent next year, while the 15-member euro zone will shrink by an average 0.6 per cent.
Among the OECD countries, the group estimates eight million workers will lose their jobs over the next two years and that there is a risk, "albeit small," that some countries will experience deflation - falling prices.
The biggest loss of output in the OECD is expected to occur during the fourth quarter of this year, with a 1.4 per cent contraction predicted.
The figures indicate that the developed world has now entered a slump estimated to last at least four quarters; two consecutive quarters is a common definition of recession.
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Ja. habs gelesen, unser Mister Harper hats endlich zugegeben, Canada geht in die Rescission, jetzt sind wir in der langen Reihe namhafter Staaten wie die USA, DE, Japan,etc. Hier in Edmonton werden schon einige Laeden geschlossen und ich glaube nach Weihnachten wird es noch etwas schlimmer. In den Zeitungen beschweren sich auch immer mehr Leute ueber die foreign worker. Aber was das jetzt konkret fuer Leute heisst die mit WP rueber kommen ist schwer zu sagen. Wie sagte Kaiser Franz so schoen,.. schau mer mal, dann seh mer schon!!!