Beschäftigtenzahlen im Januar Die Krise hat den Arbeitsmarkt voll erwisch natürlich ist es in einigen regionen weiter schlecht - über 8 % bis 15 % ohne arbeit
das als vergleich zu den aktuellen zahlen aus kanada
The construction sector was responsible for much of the increase in unemployment. Overall,Alberta suffered the most losses this month with 16,000 more out of work.
Seasonally adjusted, unemployment rates vary from 13.7% (Newfoundland and Labrador) to 4.1% (Alberta).
Rates for all the provinces were (previous month in brackets):
Newfoundland and Labrador 13.7% (13.7%) Prince Edward Island 11.8% (10.7%) Nova Scotia 8.2% (7.8%) New Brunswick 8.6% (8.7%) Quebec 7.3% (7.1%) Ontario 7.2% (7.1%) Manitoba 4.3% (4.2%) Saskatchewan 4.2% (3.7%) Alberta 4.1% (3.4%) British Columbia 5.3% (4.9%) Canadian Labour Congress Senior Economist Sylvain Schetagne analyzed the situation:
Canada lost 70,700 full-time jobs last month, pushing the unemployment rate up to 6.6%, an increase of 0.6% since December 2007. Over the previous year, Canada saw 229,700 more people enter the job market, however, it created only 7,100 new full-time jobs. The result was a significant increase in the number of unemployed Canadians last year - up by 131,500 since December 2007. Involuntary part-time jobs replaced the lost full-time jobs. For instance, Ontario lost 22,000 full-time jobs in 2008, and the jobs created in Ontario last year were part-time jobs occupied by workers looking for full-time jobs. Overall, 34,400 jobs were lost in Canada in December 2008 due to the rise in involuntary part-time employment. Of the 59,400 jobs lost in the private sector in Canada last month, 44,300 were in the construction industry. Young workers (aged 15-24) and men aged 25-55 were hit hardest by this major deterioration of the labour market in Canada. The number of unemployed youth increased by 15.6% from the same time last year. Finally, the employment statistics for December 2008 confirm a coast-to-coast deterioration in the job market. Alberta, in particular, saw its unemployment rate climb by almost 1% between December 2007 and December 2008.
Mann muss auch bedenken wie sich die Arbeitslosenstatisiken zusammensetzen. Es handelt sich selten um Zahlen die die Wirklichkeit darstellen. Moeglich, dass Canada ihre ALO-Statistik anders berechnet. Aber rosig, wie vor 6 Monaten sieht es wohl auf keiner der beiden Seiten des Atlantiks aus.
Dafuer gab es die Standardised Unemployment Rates bzw seit Januar 09 die Harmonised Unemployment Rates.
Die letzten aktuellen Daten liegen derzeit allerdings nur aus 11/08 vor, die Quote fuer Canada betrug 6.3% und fuer Deutschland 7.1% (duerfte bis Ende Januar in beiden Laendern bedauerlicherweise um mindestens einen Prozentpunkt gestiegen sein)