Aus "The Star" (kann man auch dort frei nachlesen, daher denk ich mal keine Urheberrechtsverletzung):
Zitat Here are the highlights of the 2009 Ontario budget:
* A $108.9 billion spending plan, with a record $14.1 billion deficit due to plunging tax revenues. For the fiscal year ending next week, Ontario is posting a $3.9 billion deficit, up from the $500 million shortfall predicted last fall.
* A blended 13 per cent single sales tax as of July 1, 2010 encompassing the existing 8 per cent provincial sales tax and the 5 per cent GST.
* $27.5 billion in new provincial infrastructure spending plus an additional $5 billion in federal funding to create 300,000 jobs.
* To offset the fact consumption taxes will rise on everything from Big Macs to homes costing more than $500,000, families earning $160,000 or less annually will receive one-time payouts totalling $1,000. Single Ontarians will receive three $100 cheques for a total $300 windfall.
* The business-friendly blended sales tax is estimated to save corporate Ontario $500 million a year in paperwork costs
* A 100 per cent tax write-off for new computers for manufacturers and small businesses.
* Increasing the annual child tax benefit for low-income families to $1,100 from $600 as of July.
* Income tax cut for 93 per cent of Ontario taxpayers, including an average 10 per cent cut for people earning less than $80,000.
* Corporate income tax rate will drop from 14 per cent to 12 per cent and then to 10 per cent by 2013. Small business taxes will be reduced to 4.5 per cent from 5.5 per cent and the rate for manufacturing and processing from 16.7 per cent to 12 per cent and finally to 10 per cent.
Was denkt ihr? Bekloppt oder bringt das irgendwas? Ich seh da nicht die grosse Vereinfachung, hier ein Cheque fuer "Familien" (Kinderzahl egal, was ist mit common-law?) und da zahlt man mehr Sales Tax, Damenbinden damm wohl doch noch ausgenommen aber Buecher nicht und die Einkommenssteuer sinkt etwas und dafuer kosten alle anderen Dienstleistungen wie Anwaltshonorare und Friseure mehr. Ontario ist mehr oder weniger bereits eine Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, das koennte also extrem viele Jobs kosten. Dazu werden neue Haeuser ab 500.000$ gleich 8% teurer und die unter $400.000 bleiben ausgenommen, kurbelt man so die Wirtschaft an? Werden diese Pauschalen jemals angepasst oder wird das so eine Art kalte Steuerprogression? Das alles koennte auf den politischen Selbstmord von Dalton McGuinty's Liberals hinauslaufen, die Beitraege im Star-Forum waren durchweg negativ eingestellt.
Zitat von NemesisAus "The Star" (kann man auch dort frei nachlesen, daher denk ich mal keine Urheberrechtsverletzung):
Zitat Here are the highlights of the 2009 Ontario budget:
* A $108.9 billion spending plan, with a record $14.1 billion deficit due to plunging tax revenues. For the fiscal year ending next week, Ontario is posting a $3.9 billion deficit, up from the $500 million shortfall predicted last fall.
* A blended 13 per cent single sales tax as of July 1, 2010 encompassing the existing 8 per cent provincial sales tax and the 5 per cent GST.
* $27.5 billion in new provincial infrastructure spending plus an additional $5 billion in federal funding to create 300,000 jobs.[/size]
* To offset the fact consumption taxes will rise on everything from Big Macs to homes costing more than $500,000, families earning $160,000 or less annually will receive one-time payouts totalling $1,000. Single Ontarians will receive three $100 cheques for a total $300 windfall.
* The business-friendly blended sales tax is estimated to save corporate Ontario $500 million a year in paperwork costs
* A 100 per cent tax write-off for new computers for manufacturers and small businesses.
* Increasing the annual child tax benefit for low-income families to $1,100 from $600 as of July.
[size=150][color=#FF0000]* Income tax cut for 93 per cent of Ontario taxpayers, including an average 10 per cent cut for people earning less than $80,000.[/color]
* Corporate income tax rate will drop from 14 per cent to 12 per cent and then to 10 per cent by 2013. Small business taxes will be reduced to 4.5 per cent from 5.5 per cent and the rate for manufacturing and processing from 16.7 per cent to 12 per cent and finally to 10 per cent.
Was denkt ihr? Bekloppt oder bringt das irgendwas? Ich seh da nicht die grosse Vereinfachung, hier ein Cheque fuer "Familien" (Kinderzahl egal, was ist mit common-law?)
--- common-law partnerschaft gehört zur family class
und da zahlt man mehr Sales Tax, Damenbinden damm wohl doch noch ausgenommen aber Buecher nicht und die Einkommenssteuer sinkt etwas und dafuer kosten alle anderen Dienstleistungen wie Anwaltshonorare und Friseure mehr. Ontario ist mehr oder weniger bereits eine Dienstleistungsgesellschaft, das koennte also extrem viele Jobs kosten. Dazu werden neue Haeuser ab 500.000$ gleich 8% teurer und die unter $400.000 bleiben ausgenommen, kurbelt man so die Wirtschaft an?
---- es werden sicherlich mehr häuser um und unter 400.000 § verkauft und weniger zu preisen über 500.000 - der durchschnittspreis liegt doch immer noch unter 400.000 - (knapp darüber?) oder täusche ich mich da? hilft also den preisbewusten käufer
Werden diese Pauschalen jemals angepasst oder wird das so eine Art kalte Steuerprogression?
Das alles koennte auf den politischen Selbstmord von Dalton McGuinty's Liberals hinauslaufen, die Beitraege im Star-Forum waren durchweg negativ eingestellt.
- - - die sehen nicht die positiven zeichen der kanadier will alles vom staat ohne steuer zu zahlen : - )))
ich hoffe, dass ihr in ontario doch am ende etwas mehr übrig habt
Zitat Ontario's tax gamble With a record deficit projected and sales tax harmonization, Ontario's budget signals a complete overhaul of the province's economic policy. Will McGuinty's big risk pay off?
From Friday's Globe and Mail
March 26, 2009 at 12:00 AM EDT
TORONTO — The Ontario government is gambling that tax relief for businesses and low-income families will dig the province out of the worst recession in generations, unveiling a budget that will see seven straight years of deficits, including a record one next year.
Yesterday's budget marks a sharp policy reversal for the government, which until now had resisted all calls, including from the federal government, to cut corporate taxes out of fear that doing so would either force the province to slash program spending or push it into deficit. But the economic hard times have led to a seismic shift in thinking among government leaders, with deficit no longer a dirty word.
haben die steuersenkungen für unternehmer in kalifornien (Der kalifornische Gouverneur Arnold Schwarzenegger . . . ) nicht dafür gesorgt, dass der staat praktisch pleite ging - und Schwarzenegger auf betteltour ging?
heißes thema zwischen unternehmer und arbeitnehmer
My husband and I were talking about leaving Ontario Now With only 2 years to retirement we are looking at leaving Ontario for good and we hope are children will follow suit. We Can not afford to live in Ontario anymore. We were born and raised here worked all our adult life her and for us that is 47 years for my husband and 45 years for me. I am sick of all politicians, all of them change once they get into power and it is not for the good. There has to be a way to make them listen to the people of Ontario and Canada. If they do not we as a people have t have a way of getting them out before their time is up. Because I am tired of getting ripped off every time you turn around..Just call me fed up....
Submitted by blue colar at 10:35 AM Friday, March 27 2009
....das heißt, ein ganzes leben malocht, im alter bleibt nix übrig !