das ist doch mal richtige gleichberechtigung der frau
kapitän eines kriegschiffes zu sein ist sicherlich der traum jeder frau
oder nicht?
Zitat Commander becomes first female at helm of Canadian warship
The Canadian Press
April 7, 2009 at 11:15 AM EDT
HALIFAX — HMCS Halifax was preparing to steam through the city's harbour today under the control of Canada's first female commander of a warship.
Cmdr. Josee Kurtz says she's thrilled to be making her mark in history but adds that her gender doesn't seem to make much of a difference to her crew.
Cmdr. Kurtz says she's seen significant changes in the acceptance of women in the navy since she joined two decades ago in Quebec.
She says she signed up when the navy started accepting women into its ranks and had to prove herself a little more than some of her male colleagues.
Cmdr. Kurtz, whose husband was a naval officer but is now home taking care of their daughter, will command the frigate as it goes through technical training and then for a major refit in 2010.
Halifax has a crew of about 220 sailors including 15 women.
Ist wohl nicht die erzielte antwort, aber ich habe die kommentare wohl gelesen. Der Kommentar welcher mich zum schmunzeln brachte war jener:
"For some, the beauty of anonymity is that comments that show how intellectually stunted they really are cannot actually be attributed to a living breathing person.
How wonderful it is to see free speech used to its fullest by those who are incapable of clear and cogent thought.
I salute the cave dwellers who have raised their heads above the fetid and foul environment in which they dwell, have come up for air, belched, and with any luck will now once again go away."
Ich musste das komischerweise aus unerklaerlichen Gruenden mit diesem Forum verbinden, ich frage mich jetzt:"wieso wohl?" Im uebrigen fand ich es klasse wie schnell dieser thread kurz und buendig gesperrt wurde, erst die warnung, und dann....
Dem Kommentar zu dem Thema Gleichberechtigung - da frage ich mich - wenn das Boot am sinken ist, gilt dann immer noch die alte Regel bei der Rettung KINDER und FRAUEN zuerst? Oder muss man dieses jetzt aendern ?