da gibt es noch positive news - sollte man kaum glauben
einige beispiele
Zitat02.04.09 Porsche: erste positive Signale aus Kanada
Der kanadische Markt hat sich für Porsche im Berichtsmonat März 2009 positiv entwickelt: Dort konnte der Sportwagenhersteller seinen Absatz im Vergleich zum März 2008 um neun Prozent auf 172 Einheiten steigern.
Pre-eminent specialty game retailer GameStop has announced sales of $3.5 billion for the year to Jan 31st 2009, with increased profits, and is expecting 5-10% growth in new U.S. game sales in 2009.
das hier aus BC
ZitatMarch 26, 2009 POSITIVE ECONOMIC INDICATORS Wages in B.C. Compared to Canada
In March 2009, B.C.'s average weekly wage rate was approximately $798 per week, the third highest in Canada. The average weekly raise has risen by $150 – or 23 per cent since 2001 ($648).
The average hourly wage in B.C. in March 2009 was $22.09 – more than 2.5 times the minimum wage and a 23 per cent increase compared to 2001's average ($17.98). For B.C. youth under 25, the average hourly wage was over $13.00 ($13.20) – the third highest rate in Canada. (Statistics Canada)
A British Columbian who earns the average wage of $22.09 makes over $7,800 per year more today, before taxes, than they would have in 2001, when the average hourly wage was $17.98.