die netten worte der regierungsveröffentlichungen - von dreiauge gepostet - entsprechen nicht der realität
vor allem nicht dem handeln der verantwortlichen - lass den kindern den dreck übrig - nach uns die ...
wie immer - pr geschwätz von ...
Zitat Canada's greenhouse gas emissions soared to new high in 2007
At 26 per cent above 1990 levels, emissions in violation of Kyoto Protocol pledge; rates far worse than in United States
MARTIN MITTELSTAEDT Globe and Mail update April 28, 2009 at 7:46 PM EDT
The growth of greenhouse gas emissions in Canada soared at the fastest pace on record in 2007 to reach a new high, indicating the difficulties the country faces in trying to curb the release of pollutants many scientists say are responsible for global warming.
Environment Canada said emissions rose to 747 million tonnes of carbon dioxide, up by 4 per cent from 718 million tonnes the year before.
The federal department blamed a cold winter, increased use of coal-fired power stations and petroleum extraction activities for the rise.
Emissions were 26 per cent above their 1990 level, when modern record-keeping began, violating a key pledge Canada made in the Kyoto Protocol to cut them by 6 per cent. The Surmont oil sands project, co-owned by ConocoPhillips and Total, is criticized by groups that say they create too many greenhouse gases and are too expensive. Enlarge Image
The Surmont oil sands project, co-owned by ConocoPhillips and Total, is criticized by groups that say they create too many greenhouse gases and are too expensive. (Nathan VanderKlippe/The Globe and Mail) The Globe and Mail
Without a serious national policy to curb the releases “the long-term trend is for continued increases in emissions,” said Matthew Bramley, a spokesman for the Pembina Institute, a conservation think tank.
Environment Canada didn't provide specific figures for the oil sands, but said the mining and oil and gas extraction sector, a classification it uses that includes the mining of Alberta's gooey bitumen, had a 57-per-cent rise in releases from 2004 to 2007.
Mr. Bramley said the oil sands were the country's “single biggest source of emissions increases.”
Canada has one of the fastest rates of growth in greenhouse gas releases in the developed world, and a record that is far worse than in the U.S., where carbon dioxide emissions increased by only 1.4 per cent in 2007 and are 17 per cent higher than in 1990.
Environment Canada attributed Canada's long-term difficulty in curbing emissions to large increases in oil and gas production and to the rising popularity of gas-guzzling sport-utility vehicles, among other factors.
Zitatnetten worte der regierungsveröffentlichungen..... entsprechen nicht der realität
Maxim where you are right you are right... Nichts stoesst in diesem Land mehr auf als all die fadenscheinigen Selbstbehudelungen, sei es Pisa oder andere internationale Vergleiche. Die allgemein bekannten Environmental Hotspots sind ein Disaster, nicht nur weil es sie gibt, nein wie man diese nicht sinngemaess angeht. Es zeigt sich wie wenig Fachverstand und Wille zum Wiedergutmachen vorhanden ist, wenn man beobachtet welche Interessengruppen an welchen Funktionen des ganzen Prozess beteiligt sind. Ingenieur Handlungen oder besser Ingenuität ist ein Trauerspiel, wenn ein Problem nicht vom grünen Tisch lösbar ist deckt man es einfach zu... großes Beispiel hier die Sydney Tarponds: das Geld das an Studien und dilettantischen Versuchen aufzuräumen ausgegeben wurde ist unglaublich. Und nun deckt man alles mit einem riesigen "Betondeckel" zu.