A low-pressure system is developing in Alberta and expected to track across Saskatchewan and into Manitoba.
As a result, Environment Canada has issued a snowfall warning for parts of western Manitoba and the Interlake region, calling for flurries to develop Thursday night and continue into Friday.
Snowfall ranging from 10 to 15 cm are possible in the following areas:
* Dauphin * Roblin * Winnipegosis * Minnedosa * Neepawa * Russell * Riding Mountain National Park * Ste. Rose * McCreary * Alonsa * Gladstone * Arborg * Hecla * Fisher River * Gypsumville * Ashern
"The potential for severe winter weather exists over these regions," Environment Canada has warned.
Two weeks earlier, Mother Nature dumped a heaping helping of snow in the Duck Mountain Provincial Park region, about 400 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg. Mercury plunges
There is no snow in the current forecast for Winnipeg, but the temperatures still feel like winter is blowing its cold breath across the region.
The mercury in the city plunged from a cool high of 10 C at noon Wednesday to 2 C within five hours. Overnight, it fell to -4 C, but the wind chill made it feel more like -11 C.
The normal for this time of year is a daytime high of 20 C and overnight low of 5 C.
The forecast high for Thursday is 5 C with a chance of snow flurries, while Friday's high is predicted to hit 7 C with periods of rain.
Conditions should improve for the Victoria Day long weekend, with the sun finally emerging on Saturday and warming things up to 12 C. The temperatures for Sunday and Monday are forecast to be 19 C and 13 C, respectively.
Und wie das geht, zumindest hier im Yukon: Sonnenschein und Schneestürme wechseln sich ab. Nachts ist es deutlich unter 0° und tagsüber auch nicht viel wärmer - zumindest hier in Keno City.
Toronto heute 25C, fast freier Himmel, etwas windig. BBQ-Wetter. Das kuehle Wetter wird uns den Victoria Day etwas vermiesen, soll Nachts nochmal Richtung Gefrierpunkt gehen.