aber die frage ist ja - verdient der mann oder die frau genug das die frau oder der mann zu hause bleiben können - und wie lange - meint alter der kinder
kinder - küche - kirche - oder wie war der spruch
Raising kids right means one parent at home, Alberta minister says
ZitatControversial comments on parenting made by Alberta Finance Minister Iris Evans in Toronto have triggered a spirited and emotional debate in her home province.
Ms. Evans, a divorced mother of three grown children, told a business audience yesterday that, to raise children “properly”, one parent should stay at home while the other earns a living.
Alberta Liberal Leader David Swann has already called for Ms. Evans, 67, to apologize.
“If she really said these things, she must apologize. If she doesn’t apologize, the premier must fire her,” he said in a statement released late yesterday. “These are truly outrageous claims. I have never been as stunned by the sheer arrogance and ignorance of the Tories as I am today.”
In a Wednesday speech on Alberta’s economy to the Economic Club of Canada in Toronto, Ms. Evans said good parenting means sacrificing some income to stay at home while kids are young, as her children have done.
“They’ve understood perfectly well that when you’re raising children you don’t both go off to work and leave them for somebody else to raise,” Ms. Evans said. “This is not a statement against daycare. It’s a statement about their belief in the importance of raising children properly.”
Speaking at the Western Premiers Conference in Dawson City, Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach distanced himself from the finance minister's comments, saying Ms. Evans was "clarifying" her remarks. "Working families contribute greatly to Alberta, to Canada. I have tremendous respect for working families," he said, going on to note that he and his wife both worked outside the home, as do his children and their spouses.
Mr. Stelmach had no comment on Ms. Evans's contention that a lack of education is linked to mental illness and crime, saying he was not aware that she had made the remarks.
Zitat von maxim “They’ve understood perfectly well that when you’re raising children you don’t both go off to work and leave them for somebody else to raise,” Ms. Evans said. “This is not a statement against daycare. It’s a statement about their belief in the importance of raising children properly.”
Womit sie ja wohl recht hat. Es gibt Daycare-Kinder, die ueberhaupt keine emotionale Beziehung zu ihren Eltern aufbauen koennen. Da ist ja dann auch kaum ein Unterschied zu Heimkindern mehr. Drop-off 6:30h und abholen 18:00h, zum Glueck gibt's ja auch noch das Summercamp in den Ferien. Was will man denn da erwarten? Mit dicken Geschenken alles wieder richten zu koennen?
... Academics say this blended system better equips children and the province for the rigours of a creative economy.
In a country whose patchwork early-learning system trails behind those of other rich nations, Ontario's push to blend kindergarten and child care will prod other provinces to follow suit, a leading child-care advocate hopes.
“There has been increasing interest and awareness that this is the right direction to go in, but nobody has done it,” said Martha Friendly, executive director of the Childcare Resource and Research Unit.
“I think that the fact the Ontario is going to move on this – and I have no doubt it will – I think it will really move it along with the other provinces.”
Quebec's $7-a-day early childhood program is for preschool-aged children and separated from the classroom. Nova Scotia phased out its pre-primary pilot programs for four-year-olds last year for financial reasons and after it allowed younger-aged pupils to be eligible for school.
And in British Columbia, where half-day kindergarten for five-year-olds is not mandatory, plans to change that were delayed by the economic crisis.
Parents in Ontario welcomed the plan for a full-day learning program. Parents would still have a choice about their children's participation, including the option of full-day or half-day attendance.
Annie Liao picks up her six-year-old son Bryan at the bus stop at 4 p.m. with her four-year-old daughter Emily in tow. This fall, when Emily starts kindergarten at another school, that routine will get much more complicated. She said she wishes she could send Emily to a private full-day kindergarten, but that's not an option for her single-income household.
“I come from another country – China. I expected it to be a full day when I got here,” she said.
In Alberta, where the decision on full-day kindergarten is left to the local school authority, Erica Foley noticed a huge difference in her daughter Haleigh's reading skills when she went through a full-day kindergarten program two years ago, compared to those of her son, Braden, who skipped kindergarten and jumped into Grade 1. Her daughter is finishing Grade 2 and her son is wrapping up Grade 3.
“Her reading is miles ahead of where her brother's was,” said the Calgary mom.
A full-day of early education can also be a blessing to families who often scramble to find and afford child care, she added.
“These days, both parents need to work to make ends meet,” she said.
Daycare vs. homecare? Koennte man ja eine lange liste von pro und contra auffuehren, aber was dieses thema betrifft ist es doch am ende immer die entscheidung der eltern, was nun richtig oder auch nicht richtig, oder machbar ist. Kinder in daycare, aber erziehung durch andere, eigener verlust an bindung mit kind, und andere probleme. Aber einfacher fuers kind um sich sozial einzuleben, manchmal auch gegenteilig. Kinder zuhause, bindung mit kind und erziehung wie gedacht, aber kein weiteres einkommen, oft nicht genug geld um rechnungen zu bezahlen, beruf abbrechen und chancen das mann/frau dann nicht wieder in dem beruf/ausbildung spaeter weitermachen kann.......... und, und und! Also muss sich jeder individuell selber entscheiden was zu tun ist, politiker allerdings sollten sich da schoen heraus halten solange sie nicht eine loesung haben, das sich dieses auch verwirklichen laesst. TALK IS CHEAP !!!