ZitatNew Brunswick students will soon be listening to O Canada piped into classrooms on a daily basis, according to Education Minister Kelly Lamrock.
Lamrock announced on Thursday that the Liberal cabinet passed a regulation requiring all schools in the province to play O Canada at the start of the day.
"It is absolutely important in every school that we remind our children that to be citizens means that they are a part of something larger than themselves," Lamrock told the legislative assembly.
"It is that understanding that makes Canada great. And I hope that with the great teaching teams we have in our schools, this will provide a moment not just to hear the national anthem but provide teaching moments to share with children the values that come with the most important occupation that they will ever have: that of citizen."
A government spokesperson said children will not be required to sing along if they are uncomfortable with the anthem.
Progressive Conservative MLA Bruce Northrup said he supported the education minister's change. He said it is important for children and young adults to know and understand the importance of singing the national anthem.
The province's policy on playing the anthem erupted into a national debate when Erik Millett, the principal of Belleisle Elementary School at the time, cut back on the signing of O Canada in his school to school assemblies.
Millett said in February that he made the decision because some students had to leave the classroom each morning while O Canada played and were feeling excluded.
Millett eventually resigned as the school's principal after he received death threats over his decision.
Diese Direktive ist eine (politische) Reaktion darauf, dass vor einiger Zeit ein Principal in einer Schule in NB veranlasste, die Hymne nicht mehr regelmässig abzuspielen. Dafür machte er Gründe geltend, die diskussionswürdig gewesen wären.
Offensichtlich aber ein sensitives Thema. Dieses Vorgehen hat ihm einen Sturm der Entrüstung und Drohungen eingebracht und sofort Politiker auf den Plan gerufen.
Ich weiss gar nicht, ob das Abspielen obligatorisch ist. An den Schulen, die ich kenne, wird jeden Morgen die Hymne gespielt. Und nicht nur an den Schulen. Jedes NHL-Spiel fängt auch an mit: "O Canada".
was die kanadier können können deutsche doch auch - oder
Ne, koennen Deutsche nicht, wegen des Zwoelfjaehrigen Reiches. Deswegen kriegt Sven Suess auch nicht das Wunsch-Kfz-Kennzeichen "SS" bei der Kreisverwaltung, sondern eine Gratis-Geschichtsstunde.