Zitat Advance made on bid for Opel, Brussels company says
July 13, 2009
BERLIN–Investor RHJ International SA claimed Monday that its talks with General Motors Corp. on taking a majority stake in its European Opel unit have reached an "advanced" state, putting into question a similar bid by Canada's Magna International Inc.
In a brief statement, Brussels-based RHJ said discussions with the U.S. automaker have been taking place "over a number of weeks and are at an advanced stage."
The company, a private equity firm also known as Ripplewood, did not specify how big a stake it aims to take or what the talks are focused on.
The announcement came after weeks of talks with GM on what has been considered the leading rescue bid for Opel from Canadian auto parts giant Magna and Russia's Sberbank.
There were news reports that Magna had cancelled a board meeting scheduled for Tuesday to discuss its Opel bid, but Magna communications director Tracy Fuerst said no board meeting had been scheduled.
Fuerst refused to comment on the RHJ bid and the possibility that the Belgium-based holding company might be getting close to a deal with GM for Opel.
"Our negotiations with GM and Opel are still going as planned and our co-CEO Siegfried Wolf ... has indicated several times he expects to have a contract signed by this month," Fuerst said.
A source told The Associated Press that Magna remains optimistic it will be able to sign an agreement with GM in the coming days.
One Toronto-based analyst said the consensus is that Magna "still has the lead bid," but that a couple of stumbling blocks that have plagued the talks for weeks had "opened the door for RHJ and as well as the Chinese to formalize their bids, so in recent weeks both those bidders submitted stronger bids."
One of those stumbling blocks is reportedly GM's concern that Magna and its partners may end up sharing technology with the Russians. "And they (reportedly) want access to future technology, which may be a non-starter for GM," said the analyst, who asked not to be identified. "A lot of that stuff if fairly proprietary."
"Secondly, I think GM wants a bigger say in terms of who becomes the ultimate owner," said the Toronto analyst, who described Sberbank as "not a long-term shareholder."
"They eventually want to sell their entry position and GM probably wanted to have more say in who becomes the ultimate shareholder."
German officials have stressed all along the deal for Magna and Sberbank to move ahead with a takeover of Opel was preliminary and have said that until a final agreement is nailed down, other potential suitors remain in play – including China's Beijing Automotive Industry Corp.
Last week, GM confirmed that BAIC had put in its own bid for Ruesselsheim, Germany-based Adam Opel GmbH, whose brands include Opel and Vauxhall.
Italy's Fiat Group SpA, originally Magna's main rival, pulled out of talks with the German government in June over Opel, citing what it said then were unreasonable funding demands. It has said it remains interested, however.
Detroit-based GM, which emerged from bankruptcy protection last week, has remade itself as a smaller, leaner automaker in a broad restructuring that is slashing the company's units and brands.
RHJ calls itself a diversified holding company that "generally acquires businesses that are undermanaged" yet have strong growth potential.
Its holdings – from which it derives its revenue – include majority stakes in auto parts makers Asahi Tec Corp. and Niles Co. Ltd., both of Japan, and Belgium's Honsel International Technologies SA. It also holds stakes in resort operator Phoenix Resort K.K. and Columbia Music Entertainment Inc. in Japan.
According to its preliminary income statement, the company posted revenues of 3 billion euros ($4.84 billion Canadian) in the fiscal year ending March 31 compared with nearly 4.2 billion euros ($6.77 billion Canadian) a year earlier. The full report is scheduled to be released July 31.
At midday, shares in Magna were trading on the TSX at $49.63 (Canadian), up $2.14 or 4.5 per cent.
Laut IG Metall torpediert die Behörde von Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg die Verhandlungen mit dem Opel-Investor Magna - indem Gegner der Übernahme mit internen Informationen versorgt werden.
"Es ist unerträglich, dass die Heckenschützen, die aus durchsichtigen Eigeninteressen den Verhandlungsprozess mit Magna torpedieren, durch das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium täglich mit Munition versorgt werden", klagte IG-Metall-Bezirksleiter und Opel-Aufsichtsrat Armin Schild in der "Berliner Zeitung". http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/0,1518,635987,00.html
Zitat von J.C.DentonHauptsache China bekommt Opel nicht. Die kopieren doch schon genug und wollen die super Opel Technik haben.
stimmt schon! aber da gibt's noch eine verdammt unglueckliche Moeglichkeit:
ZitatRHJ lässt Opel-Betriebsrat zittern Eigentlich schien die Opel-Übernahme durch Magna ausgemachte Sache. Doch nun ist der Bieterkampf wieder voll entbrannt. Für die Arbeitnehmervertreter wäre ein Zuschlag für RHJ jedoch eine Katastrophe. Sie befürchten das Ende des Autobauers. http://www.ftd.de/unternehmen/autoindust...ern/539839.html
und wie es aussieht, scheint jemand im Wirtschaftsministerium tatsaechlich etwas gegen den Deal mit den Austria-Canadiern zu haben
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