[quote="simo80"]Um eine Zulassung zu erhalten, also die Berechtigung zur Vermarktung des Produktes in einem Land, spielen Kosten bzw. Preise keinerlei Rolle.quote]
@ Simo: stimmt allles was du sagst, kann Jahre gehen, bis etwas durch ist. Das einzige was ich eigentlich sagen will, ist dass, jedenfalls bei uns in der Schweiz, die Krankenkasse das Bezahlen einer zugelassenen, geprüften Leistung, Material etc. verweigern kann wenn es zu teuer ist. Und dann kriegst du es halt nicht, erlebe das täglich, z.T. "leider"! Vielleicht habe ich mich da umständlich ausgedrückt, sorry!!! Grüessli, WW PS: Natürlich hat das eine mit dem andern nichts zu tun, hab wohl beim schreiben gepennt!!!
Zitat von simo80Um eine Zulassung zu erhalten, also die Berechtigung zur Vermarktung des Produktes in einem Land, spielen Kosten bzw. Preise keinerlei Rolle.
@ Simo: stimmt allles was du sagst, kann Jahre gehen, bis etwas durch ist. Das einzige was ich eigentlich sagen will, ist dass, jedenfalls bei uns in der Schweiz, die Krankenkasse das Bezahlen einer zugelassenen, geprüften Leistung, Material etc. verweigern kann wenn es zu teuer ist. Und dann kriegst du es halt nicht, erlebe das täglich, z.T. "leider"! Vielleicht habe ich mich da umständlich ausgedrückt, sorry!!! Grüessli, WW PS: Natürlich hat das eine mit dem andern nichts zu tun, hab wohl beim schreiben gepennt!!!
Allerdings kommt es hier in der Schweiz auch auf die Krankenkasse und drauf an, welche Leistungen Du hier "gebucht" hast. Wenn ich das kanadische Gesundheitssystem richtig verstanden habe, kannst Du dir weder die Krankenkasse noch die Leistungen aussuchen.
Waeere doch nicht schlecht wenn die dann alle in Deutschland bleiben wuerden! Ist eh schoener da!
ich bin immer wieder überrascht - warum leute, die seit rund 4 bis 5 generationen in kanada leben, in deutschland bleiben sollen - wenn sie sich dort behandeln lassen.
interessante perspektive ...
nur mal so zum historischen hintergrund der menschen aus der region in manitoba, die nach deutschland zur behandlung gehen - bisher 65 personen.
Grunthal was first settled in 1876 by Russian* Mennonites who had come to Canada in what is referred to as the first major wave of Russian immigration.
* das waren deutsche mennoniten in Russland.
interessant ist auch die story der medizinischen qualität in dem ort seit
A look at the history of medical care in the town of Grunthal has to begin with a very interesting local character. Dr. and Mrs. Johann Peters were among the earliest settlers to the area. The Peters moved from Rosengard to Grunthal in 1877 and settled just south of the Jacob Woelke property. When Dr. Peters moved to Grunthal besides carrying on his medicine practice for which he was quite renowned he also started a small store on the corner of his house (which was the only store in town until 1892 when Johann Braun and John Krahn together built a store).
Dr. Peters was known as the wizard of Grunthal setting hundreds of broken or misplaced bones in his more than 30 years, as a self appointed chiropractor and "bone setter". He was noted for being one of the most interesting and colourful characters who ever appeared in southeastern Manitoba. ... People traveled from Winnipeg to see the "wizard" whose unconventional methods and bedside manner were the basis for many good stories.
die haben also in dem ort erfahrung mit ...
zu den anderen
wir sprechen hier nicht über medikamente
mal zum lesen für leute, die möglicherweise mit der krankheit probleme haben.
und wenn die bereits über 800 us-amerikaner behandelt haben, dann ...
Quality of Care Stenum Spine, uses KTQ certified facilities and provides the most advanced spine solutions and disc replacement implants available worldwide. Our surgeons are among an elite group of the most experienced Disc Replacement surgeons in the world, and have dedicated their careers to the sub-specialty of Disc Replacement. Choosing the team that is going to do your surgery is of crucial importance. The spine team at Stenum is well trained with the latest implant technology, is highly experienced, and is doing the procedure frequently. Experience has proven that a surgical team that does more of a specific procedure will have less complications and better outcomes for their patients.
Due to regulatory restrictions, limitations of the approved products, and the inexperience of many surgeons, many patients will be exposed to unnecessary risk, get debilitating fusion surgery, or continue to suffer needlessly. Most, never knowing there are better options available, and surgeons with the experience and technology required to help them. Many surgeons can only treat the L4-5 or L5-S1 of the lumbar spine, not L3-4, or the cervical spine. Some still think disc replacement is only a single level solution or is a new and unproven technology. This is far from the truth!
Don't take any chances! Get an evaluation by the most experienced Disc Replacement surgeons in the world first.
Tragically, patients with severe loss of disc space, previous surgeries, more than one level needed, and many other factors may be excluded from disc replacement surgery in error. Additionally, it is quite likely that single level procedures are often performed when multi-level indications exist, resulting in poor results and risky second surgeries. Don't risk a single level procedure if you have multi-level indications. Read your reports! Many multi-level Disc Replacements are performed with great success, and L3-4 or Cervical disc replacements are quite common.
You need a surgeon with the experience and freedom to consider all the affected levels, all the treatment options, and create a total multi-level solution, as needed. At Stenum Spine our surgical team can create your spine solution from an extensive list of globally available device options. Disc replacement at levels adjacent to previously fused levels, even multi device disc replacement plus fusion procedures, for more advanced multi-level cases, are done with great success. Disc replacement surgery requires a high level of experience, to get the correct diagnosis and surgery plan, avoid risks to vital organs, and carefully balance proper implant placement with the resulting impact of the procedure on the spine. You should only allow the most experienced spine specialists, with hundreds of abdominal approaches done, perform this complex procedure for you.
These leading surgeons are now treating international patients at Stenum Spine. Our spine specialists have placed thousands of implants and over 800 Americans have come to Stenum for a superior spine solution. Choose your surgeons carefully!
Watch this video to meet Dr Ritter-Lang and learn about advancements in disc replacement technology.