Zitat von dreiauge......um den Antrag zur Staatsbuergerschaft zu stellen, musst du drei Jahre im Land gelebt haben
So in etwa. Man muss 1.095 Tage in Kanada gelebt haben, und zwar als PR. Tage als PR zaehlen voll, Tage die man im Land gelebt hat bevor man PR-Status hatte zaehlen halb. Tage die man Kanada verlassen hat oder im Gefaengniss war zaehlen nicht.
Alle Infos dazu und den Citizenship-Calculator gibt's hier:
8. How long does it take to get my PR card? If you are applying for your PR card for the first time or renewing their card, it may take around 67 days for you to get your card. You must pick up your card in person. Citizen and Immigration Canada will notify you by mail when your PR card is ready to be picked-up. If you do not pick up your card within 180 days, it will be cancelled.
Hallo Mark, dies gilt meines erachtens fuer die "zweite" Card, die allererste nach der Aktivierung wird via mail zugestellt.
ZitatPermanent Resident Card: Arriving
If you are immigrating to Canada, you will receive your Permanent Resident Card by mail.
If you did not provide a mailing address when you were granted permanent resident status at either a port of entry or a local Citizenship and Immigration (CIC) office within Canada, please contact the Call Centre as soon as possible (see Contact Us at the top of this page).
Also so richtig hab ich das auch nicht verstanden, aber wenn du die PR genehmigt kriegst, musst du sie persoenlich abholen. Die schicken sie glaub ich nicht zu... Meine Freunde mussten selber hin.
Zitat von Binelinchenvielleicht ist es von Provinz zu Provinz verschieden?
Die Provinzen kochen zwar in allen moeglichen Dingen ihr eigenes Sueppchen - aber CIC ist federal. Wir haben unsere PR- Cards letzten Herbst auch zugeschickt bekommen.
Edit: Waren die ersten Karten und sind ca. drei Wochen nach Aktivierung der PR eingetroffen.
Hat mit Federal oder nicht nichts zu tun , lese hier (Ps kenne 2 Leute die in Person mit Pass erscheinen mussten)
"Dear Sir/Madam,
Your new Permanent Resident Card will be available on or after . By law, we are required to verify your identity when we give you your card. Therefore, you must pick-up your card in person. There are no exceptions.
For quicker service, we have reserved an appointment for you on:
Date: Thursday, November 21, 2002 Time: 8:06am (please see reverse for office hours and location)
Office Location: 5th Floor 55 St. Clair Avenue East one (1) block east of Yonge Street"
In Toronto, you will receive a letter telling you when to go to the Permanent Resident Card Distribution Centre (PRCDC). In Toronto, CIC has centralized the PR Card pick up. That means that all people who live in Toronto will have to come to this office (you can take the TTC - Yonge subway line to St. Clair station - to get to the office).
This may not be the same process where you live. If you live outside of Toronto, each CIC office will have its own process. They may call you or send you a similar letter. Read the letter you receive carefully to find out exactly what you need to do in your area.
For example, in Thunder Bay, CIC will send you a letter stating that you should come in to the office any week day between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. to pick up the card. The letter will tell you what identification and documents you must bring with you and it should have a phone number to call if you cannot come during that time. CIC will hold your card for 60 days and a you will receive a second letter by registered mail if you don't show up or call.
"Please report to the GREEN, counter.
You must bring the following with you to obtain your card:
* This letter * Your original Immigration or Record of Landing Paper, * Your current Passport or Travel Document, * Another official identity card, issued by a Canadian municipal, provincial or federal government, (eg. Health Card, Driver's License, Student Card, etc.) * If you are under 14 years of age, a PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN with documents clearly establishing parentage or guardianship (birth certificate, legal guardianship papers, etc.)
In Toronto, your letter will be colour coded. This colour is related to the line you must go in when you get to the CIC office. If you are confused, ask the person at the reception desk where you should go.
In any city, CIC will ask you to bring similar identification. Make sure that you bring the documents listed in your letter.
The second last item on the list above indicates that you must show a valid identity card. CIC is asking for is a piece of identification with your picture and name on it.
It is very important that you bring ALL of the documents mentioned in the letter when you go to your appointment.
You must appear to pick up your PR Card. You cannot send someone else (even a family member) to pick it up for you.
If you have a child who was under 14 years old when they became a Permanent Resident, they must come to their PR Card appointment with a parent. As parents, one of you signed your child's IMM 1000 form. That is the parent who should, if possible, come with the child to the appointment. If you come with your child and are not the one who signed the IMM 1000, you have to bring a translated copy of your child's birth certificate to prove that you are the child's parent. This is very important.
What CIC is saying is that they need a parent to come along with the child. You must be able to show CIC that you are a parent or legal guardian of the child. If you are not the parent who signed the IMM 1000 form, you need to prove that you are the parent.
Bring both the original birth certificate and the translation to your appointment.
Either way, it appears that CIC wants you to prove you are a legal parent or guardian by showing your child's birth certificate. You might have already translated the birth certificate for the PR Card application. You have to bring a certified copy of the translation with you. You must also bring a certified photocopy of the original birth certificate that CIC will keep. Even if the birth certificate is in English, bring a certified photocopy of the birth certificate, which you have to give to CIC.
The people who can certify your photocopy are listed on page 5 of the PR Card guide. "We can only accept a photocopy of an original document if it is readable and if you have one of the above persons certify it as a true copy of the original. The person who certifies your photocopy must compare the original document to the photocopy and mark the following on the photocopy: their name, their official position or title, the name of the original document, and the date they certified the document. They must also write the following statement on the photocopy: 'I certify that this is a true copy of the original document.' "
"If you require language interpretation or are mobility impaired, you may bring one person to assist you.
If you cannot come on the day of your pre-set appointment, you can pick-up your card after that date. Please see reverse for business hours. You may, however, encounter a longer wait.
If you require additional information, you can fax us at (416) 973-5109. Please include a phone number where you can be reached during the day, and a copy of this letter. Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks, for a response."
If you cannot come on the day of your pre-set appointment, you can pick-up your card after that date. You may, however, encounter a longer wait. The letter your receive will tell you what the peak and non-peak hours of service are.
If you do not show up to pick up your card after 180 days, you may have to re-apply and pay the PR Card application fee ($50) again.
Family Applications
You may have applied for your entire family. CIC will send a letter to each person in your family, telling them when to come for an appointment. Unfortunately, you might not get appointments to go at the same time. CIC is working on this, but right now different members of your family might have to go to the PR Card office on different days. Make sure you read the letter from CIC carefully to find out who should pick up a card and at what time.
Currently, all family members who have received a notice may go together on one of the member’s appointment dates.
If you have specific questions please contact the PR Card Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100. What can I do if I miss my appointment to pick up my PR Card?
If you cannot come on the day of your pre-set appointment, you can pick-up your card after that date. You may, however, have to wait a long time at the office. The letter you receive will tell you what the peak and non-peak hours of service are.
If you go to the office during non-peak hours, you will not have to wait as long. However, you will probably still have to wait. It will be easier if you are able to go to pick up your card on the date and time of your original appointment.
If you have any questions, call the PR Card Centre at 1-888-242-2100. For more information:
* Permanent Resident Card Guide and Application Form - This application is for persons with permanent resident status in Canada who are applying for an initial, renewal or replacement Permanent Resident Card (PR Card.) * Travel Document (Permanent Resident Abroad) Guide and Application form - This application is for permanent residents outside of Canada who need proof of their status so they can return to Canada. * Rights and Responsibilities for Permanent Residents - Find out what you need to know about living in Canada as a permanent resident. * CLEO - Immigration and Refugee Law - Clear language publications on legal topics relating to immigrants and refugees. * Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) - CIC is the federal department responsible for Canadian immigration and citizenship. The website contains detailed information on CIC policy, programs and services. It also has application kits, publications and links to related websites.
""Dear Sir/Madam, Your new Permanent Resident Card will be available on or after ..." Das klingt fuer mich so, als ob es sich um die nach fuenf Jahren faellige (zweite, dritte...) PR card handelt. Oder eine Karte fuer jemanden, der vor dieser ganzen Kartengeschichte eingewandert ist. (s.u.)
In den CIC FAQs steht dies: "How will my card be delivered to me? If you are a new permanent resident, you will receive your Permanent Resident Card by mail. If you are already a permanent resident and are applying for a first card, or if you are replacing a card, you must pick up your card in person to confirm your identity." http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information...-card-faq05.asp
Ob es einen Sinn hat, dass langjaehrige Einwohner persoenlich antanzen muessen, waehrend Newbies das Teil per Post bekommen, najaaaa... Alles in allem ein ganz gutes Beispiel dafuer, dass Canada in Sachen Buerokratie auch ganz schoen verwirrend sein kann.
Nein denke nicht das es verwirrende Buerokratie ist, habe es schon mal geschrieben , das system ist extra so gemacht, dadurch ist eine Huerde die eingebaut fuer die Leute, die sich PR ergattern und trotzdem das Land verlassen wollen. Durch dieses unregelmaessige PR card abholen oder zugeschickt bekommen verpflichtet man die Leute auch wirklich da zu sein. Man lese nur mal die ganzen Beitraege in Expat foren , von Leuten die zurueck ins Heimatland sind und auf einmal ist ein Brief beim Freund oder wo auch immer angekommen das sie binnen 60 Tagen oder so erscheinen muessen um Ihre PR card abzuholen.
Deine Aussagen scheinen speziell fuer Ontario zu sein, ein verstaendliches Vorgehen der Province. Ich habe versucht andere Aussagen zum Thema zu finden und habe am Bsp. BC, in deren Newcommer´s Guide ( http://www.welcomebc.ca/en/immigration/settle/index.html ) folgendes gefunden:
ZitatPermanent resident card The permanent resident card (PR card) is a plastic card, like a CareCard or a driver’s licence. It is for permanent residents (landed immigrants). You will get the PR card by mail when you become a permanent resident. You need the card when you return to Canada from abroad. Your permanent resident card is good for five years. After that, you need to renew it. For more information, call the CIC call centre at 1 888 242-2100 or go to: http://www.cic. gc.ca/english/information/pr-card/index.asp.
Seite 89 Diese Aussage deckt sich mit der vom CIC, jedoch nicht mit der aus Ontario.
@ Systembauer: Wenn einem CIC officer irgend etwas unklar erscheinen sollte, dann kann er (wird er) dich, bzw. deine Freundin ohne Weiteres zu einem Interview einladen. Ihr solltet den Papierkrams etwas systematischer angehen, als in diesem thread!
Zitat von 0815Hat mit Federal oder nicht nichts zu tun , ...
Aehhh..., doch! Mein Beitrag bezog sich allerdings auf "binelinchen"s Frage, ob es von den Provinzen unterschiedlich gehandhabt wird. Die Vorschriften und Manuals von CIC gelten m.W. ueberall in Kanada. (Ok, in Quebec wahrscheinlich auf franzoesisch. ) Und Leute, die einreisen und ihre PR aktivieren, tun das ja nicht unbedingt immer in der Provinz in der sie dann auch leben werden.
All newly arriving immigrants will receive the card as part of the immigration process.
The information and photograph on your Confirmation of Permanent Residence document will be confirmed by a Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) official when you arrive in Canada. Once verified, a Card will be manufactured and sent to you in the mail."
Genau so ist das bei uns abgelaufen, sechs Jahre nach 2003.
Wir haben das Thema hier schon öfters diskutiert, oder? In allen CIC-Dokumentationen, welche ich gelesen habe, steht immer, dass Personen, welche die PR-Card als Teil des "Landens" in Canada (d.h. PR-Visum aktivieren) beantragen, diese zugesandt bekommen und sie nicht selbst abholen müssen. Es geht dabei um die persönliche Verifikation eines CIC-Officers. Bei einer schriftlichen Beantragung ausserhalb des Landing Process fehlt diese und daher muss der Antragsteller persönlich vorbei.
Im Juni werde ich Euch berichten könnten, ob der Prozess immer noch so ist
Ich bin auch der Ansicht (aufgrund der Aussagen auf den verschiedenen offiziellen Seiten), dass man die erste PR card die zum Immigration Prozess gehoert normalerweise zugeschickt bekommt. War bei uns auch so (BC). Sollten die Fotos fuer die PR card aber nicht den Anforderungen entsprechen kann man u.U. aufgefordert werden persoenlich im naechstgelegenen CIC Office in Kanada vorbei zu gehen um neue Fotos anfertigen zu lassen. Soll das eine oder andere Mal vorgekommen sein, jedenfalls gibt es einige Statements dazu in Foren (besonders englischsprachigen).