VICTORIA - British Columbia lost almost half of all Canada's jobs last month, moving the provincial jobless rate to seven per cent.
Statistics Canada says of the 30,400 jobs that disappeared across Canada, 14,500 were in B.C., pushing up the provincial jobless rate four-tenths of a point to an even seven per cent in July.
aus einer anderen zeitung beachtet bitte - wo es jobs gibt - nicht in der produktion ...
job growth during July included finance, insurance and real estate,
The loss of 30,400 jobs reported by Statistics Canada on Friday bumped up July’s unemployment rate by a tenth of a percentage point to 7.3 per cent. Obscured by that discouraging number, however, was a significant increase of 21,300 full-time jobs. In addition, bright spots for job growth during July included finance, insurance and real estate, all sectors relatively immune to a downturn in commodity prices.
It was the loss of 51,600 part-time jobs that dragged overall employment down.
der IT-Bereich jedenfalls brummt hier. Alles, was sich nicht extrem blöd anstellt, ist sofort engagiert und wer echt was kann, verdient auch gut und gerne (fast) 6stellig. Ich denke, wir haben eine gute Zeit für den Umzug erwischt