Stephen Harper has won the first ever Richard Nixon Prize for steadfastly protecting "the rich and powerful."
The prize will be given to Harper in absentia using the empty chair technique popularized by Clint Eastwood in his speech to the Republican National Convention, according to a news release from the organizations responsible for the award. Writer and activist Yves Engler will present the prize. His latest work is titled "The Ugly Canadian: Stephen Harper's Foreign Policy."
The groups say they are giving Harper the award for his "principled, forthright and steadfast international policies in the interests of the rich and powerful." They cite backing for the 1 per cent, bombing Libya, standing by Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, remaining in Afghanistan despite public opinion, support for mining interests and withdrawing out of the Kyoto protocol as reasons that Nixon "would have been proud" of Harper.
Ich kenne viele anständige Österreicher,aber wo er Recht hat,hat er Recht:
Zitat„Entweder ist sie so dumm oder sie spielt bei den Banken mit“, sagte der Gründer und frühere Chef des kanadisch-österreichischen Autozulieferkonzerns Magna, Frank Stronach, über den Umgang der Kanzlerin mit der
Wer mit Ackermann im Kanzleramt Geburtstag feiert,kann nicht dumm sein.