Eigentlich hatte ich meinen Account genau wegen solchen Aktionen, wie hier mal wieder glanzvoll dargestellt, löschen lassen.
Da kommt einer mit einer Frage und wird eigentlich nur dumm angemacht und dann so weiter und so weiter. Muss das eigentlich wirklich sein?
Eigentlich war diese Antwort ja schon fast nicht anders zu erwarten:
Zitat von maximHallo Marc
ist deine frage ein scherz?
einfach so - wenn du so gut englisch kannst - wie das von einem Softwareentwickler zu erwarten ist - dann würdest du die site von CIC kennen und alle deine fragen würden da beantwortet.
schau dir doch bitte die webseite von Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) mal an.
wenn du dann noch fragen hast antworten wir hier gerne
Es wäre nett, wenn du das nächste Mal nicht das Wort WIR verwenden würdest, wenn du für dich sprichst Maxim. Die anderen sind vermutlich alt genug, um für sich selbst schreiben zu können. Ansonsten ist deine Antwort wie häufig rein spekulativ und wenig sinnvoll. Software gibt es sogar in rein deutschen Quelltexten, aber dir das näher bringen zu wollen ist an dieser Stelle nicht angebracht. Genau so gut könnte ich versuchen dir Kobolt, Fortran oder Phyton usw. zu erklären. Übrigens kann man das auch alles im Netz nachlesen und es sollte hinterher keine Fragen geben.
Warum verfasst du eigentlich ein Buch über das Arbeiten in Kanada, wenn du hinterher nicht bereit bist Fragen zu beantworten? Muss man erst die Seiten bei CIC gelesen haben, um dann dein Buch zu verstehen und wenn man dann noch Fragen hat ist man selbst schuld, oder wie ist das?
Vielleicht war die Frage nicht ganz gut formuliert. Gut, kann sein, aber ist das ein Grund einen gleich zu verurteilen, die Frage als dummen Scherz abzustempeln und einen mehr oder minder schriftlich vor die Tür zu setzen?
Für die anderen, die Marc außerdem noch etwas dumm angegangen haben - ist es verwerflich eine Frage zu stellen, oder ist es einfach nicht tragbar für eine einfache Frage nur eine maulige Antwort zu bekommen? Mir persönlich sind 1.000 noch so sinnlos erscheinende Fragen lieber, als eine dieser unverschämten Antworten. Auch wenn es bei bestimmten Personen nicht anders zu erwarten war.
Nun mal zurück zur eigentlichen Fragestellung dieses Threads. Sorry Marc, aber auf diese sehr pauschal gehaltene Frage kann dir vermutlich keiner hier im Forum eine konkrete Antwort geben. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage sind zuviele persönliche Informationen notwendig, die ich selbst hier keinem mitteilen würde. (Betrifft deine 1. Frage, die 2. wurde ja hinlänglich in Bezug auf Investoren-Programm beantwortet).
Im sehr sehr groben Überblick wird vermutlich der Antrag auf PR über eine Skilled Worker Class am Ende rauskommen, was ich aber natürlich nicht letztlich mit Bestimmtheit sagen kann. Fakt ist letztlich der, dass gute IT'ler gesucht werden.
Schau dir doch mal die PNP (Provincial Nominee Program) genauer an, wenn dich das interessiert. I'd be calling this your best bet.
Zitat von Mal sehn was Kommthallo Marc
ich muss mal was los werden ....
du kommst als neuling hier her und haust so auf den putz .... man beist niemanden der bereit ist dir zu helfen ohne dich zu kennen...
aber deine einstellung ist naja ... viel spaß in einem fremden land mit dieser einstellung wird dich warscheinlich sehr weit kommen lassen :O) (IRONIE)
gruss dirk
ps:es gibt wirlich leute die hilfe brauchen und auf das forum angewiesen sind also bitte vergraule diese hilfsbereiten menschen nicht !
Marc hat nichts getan, was vermutlich jeder andere der so angegangen wurde nicht auch getan hätte. Seine Position verteidigt! Und dass das nicht in Ordnung war was Maxim und obendrein dann auch noch kallguschdaf hier geschrieben haben ist offenkundig.
Abgesehen davon - es gibt sicherlich einige Gäste, die hier einfach mal eine Zeitlang mitlesen und sich dann erst anmelden und einen Beitrag verfassen. Ist das dann wirklich noch ein Neuling? Die Anzahl der Beiträge sagt nichts über die Qualität des Beitrags aus.
Überdies würde ich eine Aussage in der Qualität von, lies erst mal das durch bevor du mich damit langweilst, nicht gerade als Bereitschaft zur Hilfe deuten.
Es ist nichts falsch daran zu fragen. Es ist auch nichts falsch daran etwas nicht zu wissen und dann nicht auf einen Beitrag bzw. eine Frage zu antworten.
Jetzt bin ich zwar mal wieder ein paar Leuten auf den Schlipps getreten, aber ich konnte mich da jetzt leider einfach nicht zurückhalten. Sorry dafür.
Gruß Thorsten
PS. @Marc Manche Sachen bzw. Kommentare sind wie eine If-Then-Else Schleife. Vorhersehbar und enden meist in einer Fehlerroutine. Ist wie die Garantie, die ich auf meinen Post hier geben kann, dass ein paar meinen werden "was für ein A..." und andere werden mir zustimmen etc. Back to Loop.
ich kann AMR nur zustimmen und haette es nicht besser schreiben koennen. habe auch schon mit dem gedanken gespielt meinen account loeschen zu lassen, da in diesem forum sehr gerne der fragesteller "gehaengt" wird. das zum beispiel macht mich sehr gluecklich hier in Canada. da gibt es nicht soviele deutsche die richtig "deutsch" sind und die die es sind die gehen eh bald wieder zurueck.
Allerdings wirst du wirklich nicht umhin kommen dir die CIC seiten sehr genau durch zu lesen.
Das da wieder einige auftauchen die dem rethorischen superstar MARC helfen ist ja klar. Aber wie schon geschrieben lesen macht den unterschied denn wenn jeder hier auch nur auf die einfachsten fragen keine andwort findet und sich dann auch noch so nett wie Marc bedankt, sollten wir ihm doch mal die richtigen andworten geben.
ABER da er sich ja nicht mit den links die Ihm gegeben werden zufrieden gibt kann er das natuerlich auch schriftlich hier haben. Ich hoffe doch das das nicht jeder macht sonstt muessen die hier bald schliessen weil der traffic zu hoch wird LOL.
Also dann mal los: Business Class Immigration / Catégorie des gens d'affaires Kanada ist an der Einwanderung von erfolgreichen Unternehmern interessiert, die mit ihren Fähigkeiten und ihrem Know-how einen Beitrag zum wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Wohl Kanadas sowie zur Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze leisten. Es gibt drei Kategorien von Business Immigrants: Unternehmer, Investoren und Selbstständige (entrepreneurs, investors/investisseurs & self-employed persons/travailleurs autonomes). Weitere Informationen auf Englisch bzw. Französisch
Nun ich gehe mal davon aus das zumindest ein wenig English vorhanden ist, wenn nicht muss ich mich Maxim anschliessen: Dann bleibe zuhause in DE!!!
What is the Business Immigration Program? Notice: CIC has introduced a new simplified application process for business immigrants.
The Business Immigration Program seeks to attract experienced business people to Canada who will support the development of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy.
Business immigrants are expected to make a $400,000 investment or to own and manage businesses in Canada.
Canada has three classes of business immigrants, each with separate eligibility criteria: investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons. Each application can be made for only one class and once the application is submitted, the class cannot be changed. Who Qualifies as a Business Immigrant?
Business immigrants are selected based on their ability to become economically established in Canada. The detailed requirements of each program are as follows. * Investors The Immigrant Investor Program (IIP) seeks to attract experienced business persons and their capital to Canada. Investors must demonstrate business experience and a legally obtained minimum net worth of CAN $800,000, and must make an investment of CAN $400,000. >> Learn more about the Immigrant Investor Program
* Entrepreneurs The Entrepreneur Program seeks to attract experienced business persons who will own and actively manage businesses in Canada that contribute to the economy and create jobs. Entrepreneurs must demonstrate business experience and a minimum legally obtained net worth of CAN $300,000, and are subject to conditions upon arrival in Canada. >> Learn more about the Entrepreneur Program
* Self-employed persons The Self-Employed Persons Program seeks to attract applicants who have the intention and ability to become self-employed in Canada. Self-employed persons are required to have either (a) relevant experience that will enable them to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada, or (b) experience in farm management and the intention and ability to purchase and manage a farm in Canada. >> Learn more about the Self-Employed Immigrant Program How to Apply?
Once you have decided that you want to bring your skills to Canada, ensure that you follow the right steps to apply. Provincial Business Immigration Links
Under the Canada-Quebec Accord, the province of Quebec operates its own immigrant investor program. All investors in the Quebec program must both be destined to live in Quebec and selected by Quebec.
Applicants for all business classes may wish to consult with government representatives in the Canadian province or territory of their intended destination.
For business immigration information and contacts for Canadian provinces and territories, please consult the list of Provincial and Territorial Government Contacts.
Some provinces also have business immigration programs as part of the Provincial Nominee Program.
For more information about starting and doing business in Canada, please visit the Canadian Business Information section of this site.
So und da geht es jetzt weiter:
Immigrating to Canada as a Self-Employed Person
The Self-Employed Person Program allows applicants with relevant experience in culture, athletics or farm management to immigrate to Canada provided that they make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada or purchase and manage a farm in Canada. To apply as a Self-Employed Person
1. Assess eligibility Review the eligibility requirements. 2. Application process Follow the steps to complete your application. 3. Know the rules Learn about additional rules after you are approved.
Additional information is also available to assist you.
* Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) How long does it take to become a permanent resident? If I qualify, can I bring my family? See the FAQ page for answers to common questions asked by applicants. * More information If you need more information, additional resources are available to assist you, including information on starting a business and doing business in Canada.
Hier dann noch die FAQ:
Business Immigrant Program
Why does Canada have a Business Immigration Program?
The three business classes seek to attract experienced business people to Canada to support the development of a strong and prosperous Canadian economy.
Business immigrants are expected to own and manage businesses in Canada, or in the case of the investor program, pay CAN$400,000 for future investment by the provinces and territories to support their economies and create jobs.
What do business immigrants bring to Canada?
The business programs allow experienced business people to immigrate to Canada and apply their capital, entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of markets and technology within the Canadian economy.
What are the principal differences between investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons?
Investors must make a CAN$400,000 investment but are not subject to monitoring or other regulatory requirements once they arrive in Canada.
Entrepreneurs come to Canada subject to the monitored, regulatory condition that they invest and participate in the management of a business of a given size in Canada that creates at least one additional job for someone other than their immediate family.
Self-employed persons are selected based on their intention and ability to create a job for themselves in cultural or athletic activities or to purchase and manage a farm in Canada, but are not subject to monitoring or other regulatory requirements once they arrive in Canada.
What will I have to do to satisfy CIC that my net worth has been legally obtained?
You will have to satisfy the visa officer that no portion of your net worth was obtained as a result of criminal activity. You should be able to explain material disparities between your net income over the years and your present net worth, and to comply with reasonable requests for documents to back up both your income sources and the components of your net worth.
What type of documents will I be required to submit in support of my application?
In addition to the usual documents in support of any application for immigration to Canada, you will be required to provide documents supporting your past business experience, such as the following:
* financial statements; * corporate and personal income tax returns; * tax assessments; * bank statements; * business licences; * minute books; * letters of reference; and * promotional material.
Where can I get application forms?
Application forms for investors, entrepreneurs and self-employed persons are available on our site. If you cannot download or print the forms from this site, you may obtain copies from the visa office near you.
Where do I apply?
You must apply in your country of residence, your country of nationality or the country where you have been legally admitted for at least one year.
How long will it take for my application to be processed?
The length of time it takes to process your application is different in each visa office. For estimated times, please visit the Application Process Times section of this site.
Where can I find information about starting up a business in Canada?
Our Business Immigration Links page provides several sites where you may obtain more information about starting a business in Canada.
top of page Immigrant Investor
What are the requirements for qualifying as an investor?
To meet the definition, you must have at least two years of business experience, and demonstrate legally obtained net worth of at least CAN$800,000. You must then obtain a minimum of 35 points in a selection grid designed to determine whether you will be able to become economically established in Canada.
Before a visa is issued, you must make an investment of CAN$400,000 to CIC.
What is the procedure for becoming an investor?
You must apply for immigration to Canada, satisfy a visa officer that you meet the definition of an investor, be awarded at least 35 assessment points and pass the medical and admissibility checks.
You will then be directed, in writing, to make a CAN$400,000 investment to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, after which a visa may be issued to you.
What are the business experience requirements?
You can meet the business experience requirements if you have owned a percentage of a business of a specified size for a minimum of two full years, or if you have managed a minimum of five full-time job equivalents in a business of any size for a minimum of two full years, or a combination of one-year periods in either.
Does the business experience have to be recent?
You can go back as far as five years before the date of your application (and up until a determination is made on your application by a visa officer).
What is meant by “business”?
A business is a commercial enterprise carried on for the purpose of profit. This does not exclude businesses that are not currently generating profits or professional practices, but it does exclude governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and others.
Who is responsible for the investment operations of the program?
CIC administers the cash management aspects of the program by acting as agent for the participating provinces. Each investor must make their CAN$400,000 investment with CIC. Their investment will be returned by CIC after approximately five years and two months.
What documents do I receive after I pay my investment?
You will receive a Zero Interest Promissory Note that is not transferable (you may not sell it), but that may be pledged as collateral for a loan. At the maturity date, you will return the promissory note to CIC for repayment of your $400,000 investment.
Why do you recommend that I make my investment through a CIC-approved facilitator?
CIC has set up administrative procedures with a number of facilitators to assist in the payment and redemption of your $400,000 investment. These services are available to you at no cost (CIC pays their fees). Additionally, facilitators offer a variety of financing options in the event you should want to finance the payment of your investment or to pledge your promissory note as collateral for a loan in the future.
How big is the Immigrant Investor Program?
Including the Quebec program, over $3 billion has been raised since the inception of the Immigrant Investor Program in 1986.
In 2004, the Quebec and federal programs raised $272,000,000 and $718,800,000 respectively from 2,477 principal applicants and their families.
Where do most immigrant investors come from?
Investors come from all over the world. Currently, the majority of investors are from China, Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong, but there are also substantial numbers of investors applying from the Middle East and elsewhere.
In 2002, the selection criteria for business immigrants were modified in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. Why?
While the Immigrant Investor Program was substantially altered on April 1,1999, with respect to the administration of the CAN$400,000 investment, the rules governing the selection attributes of the investor, entrepreneur and self-employed programs had remained largely unchanged since their inception.
The Auditor General of Canada, noting that the business definitions were vague and therefore difficult to apply, suggested that the selection criteria be amended to make them clearer to both economic immigrants and the program administrators, and to make it easier to achieve the Program’s objectives.
What changed for investors?
* An objective standard for business experience was established. * The net worth requirement of CAN$800,000 remained unchanged; however, the requirement that the net worth be created by the investor’s own activities was removed and replaced by a requirement that the net worth be legally obtained. * Spousal assets are now included when assessing net worth (Quebec calculates its own net worth in accordance with its own laws). * The selection grid was altered to provide the flexibility to adjust the weight of the various criteria.
However, the most significant change in the investor and entrepreneur programs was the introduction of more objective measures for business experience. It is generally agreed that business experience is the best predictor of future business success. The definition of business experience has been modified to ensure that only experienced businesspeople can qualify for the business programs.
top of page Entrepreneur Immigrant
What are the requirements for qualifying as an entrepreneur?
To meet the definition, you must have at least two years of business experience and demonstrate a legally obtained net worth of at least CAN$300,000. You must then obtain a minimum of 35 points in a selection grid designed to determine whether you will be able to become economically established in Canada.
You will be required to indicate in writing that you have the intention and ability to meet given business conditions in Canada. After taking up permanent residence in Canada, you will have three years to meet these conditions.
What is the procedure to become an entrepreneur?
You must apply for immigration to Canada, satisfy a visa officer that you meet the definition of an entrepreneur, be awarded at least 35 assessment points and pass the medical and admissibility checks.
You will also be subject to conditions after you take up permanent residence in Canada.
What are the business experience requirements?
You can meet the business experience requirements if you have owned a percentage of a business of a specified size for a minimum of two full years.
Does the business experience have to be recent?
You can go back as far as five years before the date of your application (and up until a decision is made on your application by a visa officer).
What is meant by “business”?
A business is a commercial enterprise carried on for the purpose of profit. This does not exclude businesses that are not currently generating profits or professional practices, but it does exclude governmental organizations, not-for-profit organizations, and others.
What will I have to do to satisfy CIC that my net worth has been legally obtained?
You will have to satisfy the visa officer that no portion of your net worth was obtained as a result of criminal activity. You should be able to explain material differences between your net income over the years and your present net worth, and to comply with reasonable requests for documents to back up both your income sources and the components of your net worth.
Who do I contact to see about meeting my business conditions in Canada?
You will be given a pamphlet with instructions and contact information for the CIC offices in your province of destination. You will be expected to make contact with the appropriate CIC office within six months of landing to report your address and telephone number and to provide evidence of your efforts to meet your conditions after 18 months.
How big is the Entrepreneur Program?
Over the past five years, approximately 1,000 entrepreneurs (principal applicants) a year have landed in Canada.
Where do most entrepreneurs come from?
Entrepreneurs come from all over the world. Currently, the majority of entrepreneurs are from China, Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong, but there are also large numbers of them applying from the Middle East and elsewhere.
In 202, the selection criteria for business immigrants were modified in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. Why?
The Auditor General of Canada, noting that the business definitions were vague and therefore difficult to apply, suggested that the selection criteria be amended to make them clearer to both economic immigrants and the program administrators, and to make it easier to achieve the Program’s objectives.
What changed for entrepreneurs?
* An objective standard for business experience was established. * The minimum net worth requirement of CAN$300,000 was introduced. * The selection grid was revised to provide the flexibility to adjust the weight of the various criteria. * Objective, transparent conditions were introduced, and an additional year was granted for their completion.
top of page Self-Employed Immigrant
What are the requirements for qualifying as a Self-employed Person?
To meet the definition, you must demonstrate that you have at least two years of relevant experience, you have the intention and the ability to be self-employed in Canada, and you have the intention and the ability to make a significant contribution to specified economic activities in Canada.
You must then obtain a minimum of 35 points in a selection grid designed to determine whether you will be able to become economically established in Canada.
What is the procedure for becoming a self-employed person?
You must apply for immigration to Canada, satisfy a visa officer that you meet the definition of a self-employed person, be awarded at least 35 assessment points and pass the medical and admissibility checks.
What constitutes relevant experience?
Relevant experience is limited to:
1. self-employment in cultural activities or athletics; 2. participation at a world-class level in cultural activities or athletics; or 3. farm management experience.
Does the relevant experience have to be recent?
You can go back as far as five years before the date of your application (and up until a decision is made on your application by a visa officer).
What is meant by “cultural activities”?
We refer here to occupations generally considered to be part of Canada’s artistic and cultural diversity. Examples include, but are not limited to, authors and writers, creative and performing artists, musicians, painters, sculptors and other visual artists, technical support and occupations in motion pictures, creative designers, craftspeople, etc. More examples may be found on the National Occupational Classification Web site.
What are specified economic activities?
You must have the intention and ability to be self-employed in Canada in cultural or athletic activities, or to purchase and manage a farm.
What is meant by a “significant contribution”?
There is no formal definition of what constitutes a “significant contribution.” The intention of the requirement is to give visa officers the ability to use their judgment and allow them to recognize that a contribution to athletics or the arts, even at less than a national standard, may still be of significant benefit at the local level.
For example, a music teacher with reasonable qualifications will be in a better position to make a significant contribution if destined to a small town rather than a big city.
Please note that you must have contributed to economic activities “in Canada.” While this does not preclude activities outside of Canada, there must exist a significant contribution in Canada for Canada.
Are there any reporting requirements once I am landed in Canada?
No. Unlike the entrepreneur program, there are no conditions to be met after taking up permanent residence in Canada.
Are there any net worth requirements?
Unlike the investor and entrepreneur programs, there are no regulated minimum net worth requirements. However, you will have to satisfy a visa officer that you have sufficient capital to settle yourself and your family in Canada and to finance the specified economic activities that your selection was based on.
How big is the Self-Employed Persons Program?
Over the past five years, approximately 600 self-employed persons (principal applicants) a year have landed in Canada.
Is there information available on how to set up my business once I am in Canada?
Many provinces provide valuable information and services to assist business immigrants in setting up and successfully operating businesses in Canada. You may wish to visit the following site for more information: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/business/bi-provinces.html.
Self-Employed Persons: Assess Eligibility
In order to qualify as self-employed, you must first meet the regulatory definition for self-employment and then obtain a minimum of 35 points in a selection grid designed to determine whether you will be able to become economically established in Canada. Do you qualify as a self-employed immigrant? To determine eligibility under the Self-Employed Persons Program, answer the following questions.
1. Have you been self-employed in cultural activities or athletics? OR 2. Have you participated at a world-class level in cultural activities or athletics? OR 3. Have you had farm management experience?
If so, have you the intention and ability to be self-employed in Canada and to make significant contributions in cultural activities or athletics, or to purchase and manage a farm in Canada?
Can you obtain a minimum of 35 points in the selection grid? >> Use the Self-Assessment Grid to determine your score Please review the more detailed criteria below in order to clarify the eligibility requirements and help you determine whether you wish to continue to Step 2, the application process. Required Experience
You must have a minimum of two years of experience in one of the relevant activities. These two years of experience must have been gained during the period beginning five years before the date of your application for a permanent resident visa and ending on the day a determination is made on your application.
1. For those involved in cultural activities, your experience must consist of: 1. two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in cultural activities, or 2. two one-year periods of experience in participation at a world-class level in cultural activities, or 3. a combination of a one-year period of experience described in clause (A) and a one-year period of experience described in clause (B). 2. For athletics, your experience must consist of: 1. two one-year periods of experience in self-employment in athletics, or 2. two one-year periods of experience in participation at a world-class level in athletics, or 3. a combination of a one-year period of experience described in clause (A) and a one-year period of experience described in clause (B). 3. For farm managers, in respect of the purchase and management of a farm, you are required to have: 1. at least two one-year periods of experience in the management of a farm.
Other Requirements
In addition to demonstrating experience and the ability to financially support yourself, in order to qualify as a self-employed immigrant, you must also:
* Complete and submit an application form with all supporting documents. A list of these documents is provided in the application form Appendix A: Checklist (PDF format only). * Meet medical and security requirements. You and your family members must undergo and pass a medical examination and background checks. * Meet any other requirements of Canadian federal and provincial immigration regulations.
Apply Now
Those who believe they meet the self-employed persons eligibility criteria and are ready to apply should proceed to information on the application process.
Self-Employed Persons: Application Process
Applying to immigrate as a self-employed person is not difficult. Follow the steps described below.
Before you start your application, print out all the forms you need. Read the instructions carefully. The guide will help you fill out your application.
Make sure you send your fees receipt and all of your documents with your application. If your application is not complete, the visa office will return it to you without processing it. What you need to know
* Follow the steps below to apply as a self-employed person for permanent resident status in Canada. You may wish to print this page for future reference. * Processing times may vary from the time you first apply until a determination is made on your application. * Download applications from this Web site or visit a Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate near you for print copies. * At various points in the application process, fees may apply. Please consult the CIC fee schedule for more information.
Steps in the Self-Employed Person Application Process
The steps in the self-employed person application process are as follows.
1. Printing the guide and forms Make sure you get all the forms you need. Use the guide to help you fill out your application. If you cannot print the forms from your computer, you may obtain them by contacting a Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate near you. 2. Calculating the fees You will have to pay the: * Processing Fee for you and your dependents; and * Right of Permanent Residence Fee for the principal applicant and accompanying spouse or common-law partner. 3. Double-check your application Use the instruction guide to make sure your application is completed correctly. The visa office cannot process forms that are not completed correctly. Sending incomplete forms will delay your application. 4. Mail in your application Mail your application and your proof of payment to the visa office along with your supporting documents. However, if you are using the Simplified Application Process do not submit any supporting documents. Check if you qualify for the Simplified Application Process. 5. You may be contacted for an interview Once your application has been examined, you may be required to attend an interview to substantiate the information in your application or provide additional supporting information. 6. CIC will accept or reject your application A letter will be sent to you indicating your acceptance or rejection.
Seeking Help in the Application Process
While the use of an immigration consultant is not necessary, you may choose to have someone represent you in your application process. A representative is someone who has your permission to conduct business on your behalf with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA).
You may have one representative only. Your representative may be a family member, a member of a non-governmental or religious organization, a member of the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants, a member of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society, or a member of the Chambre des notaires du Québec. What Happens Next?
After you are approved, you should make sure that you understand your obligations and that you take all the necessary steps to protect your permanent resident status.
Self-Employed Persons: Know the Rules
Permanent resident status gives you the right to live in Canada. The following provides supplementary information on the conditions and obligations relevant to self-employed immigrants and all permanent residents of Canada. What happens after you are approved After you have become a permanent resident of Canada:
* Meet your obligations as a permanent resident * Enjoy the benefits of living in Canada
Residency Requirements
As a permanent resident, you enjoy all the benefits of living in Canada. However, as a permanent resident, you must comply with a residency obligation during every five-year period.
Please refer to the After you arrive… section of our Web site offering information and advice on programs for newcomers, finding help in your community, residency obligations for permanent residents, and other useful resources. More Information
Additional information pertaining to the Self-Employed Persons Program is available in the application guide and through supporting links and resources. Potential applicants may also wish to review information about Canadian immigration regulatory requirements before proceeding with their applications. Additional support is also available through Canadian embassies and consulates, immigration lawyers, and Canadian commercial banks.
So AMR wenn du das jedes mal haben willst, schoen fuer dich, ich denke die anderen nicht. schaue du lieber das dein bussines laeuft und du keine leute nach hause schicken musst weil dir die arbeit zu viel ist.
@MARC wenn Dir das alles zu viel ist und du nicht durchblicken solltest suche dir einen Berater oder Anwalt der dich nach Canada bringt fuer viel Geld, dann weist du dann auch wie es die Milionaere machen LOL.
So AMR wenn du das jedes mal haben willst, schoen fuer dich, ich denke die anderen nicht. schaue du lieber das dein bussines laeuft und du keine leute nach hause schicken musst weil dir die arbeit zu viel ist...
in diesem sinne der Exdeutsche
Danke, dass du dir meinen und den Kopf anderer zerbrichst.
Ich denke unser Geschäft läuft recht gut fürs erste Jahr. Brauchst dir also keine Sorgen zu machen. Dennoch danke der Nachfrage.
Warum musst eigentlich ausfallend werden und andere lachhaft Spezialisten nennen? Lässt dich das irgendwie besser fühlen?
Dein Text nimmt höchstens 30kb ein und das würde ich nicht gerade als sehr großen Traffic bezeichnen.
Abgesehen davon ist doch nichts dabei jemanden auf eine andere Seite zu verweisen und das habe ich auch nicht bemängelt. Ich habe die Art und Weise kritisiert, die den ganzen Mist hier erst ins Rollen gebracht hat. Daran ist wohl nichts falsch. Wie man in den Wald hineinruft so schallt es eben auch zurück. Es gibt doch keinen Grund gleich ausfallend zu werden wenn einer was fragt, oder doch?
Hier noch eine kurze Feststellung: Irgendwo oberhalb von Amerika (deine Wohnortsangabe) ist der Nordpol. Dass es da jetzt auch schon Internetanschluss gibt finde ich sehr beeindruckend. Ich gratuliere dir auch, dass du wohl auf dem Papier kein Deutscher mehr bist. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, aber ist das jetzt was worauf man sich was einbilden kann oder muss? Wenn du so froh darüber bist, was suchst du dann hier in dem Forum unter Deutschen?
Gruß Thorsten
P.S. ich in diesem Sinne bin froh, dass ich nicht alles verstehen muss