It looks like it's not a matter of the language some people are using, their posts are still not of lot of value.
As I mentioned before in another thread, learn propper english before you want to discuss this matter.
Besides what is a Canadian?
Maybe this helps:
Zitat An Australian definition of Canadian and American
Written by an Australian Dentist...
To Kill an American or an Canadian
You probably missed it in the rush of news last week, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American or Canadian, any American or Canadian.
So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American or Canadian is, so they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!! )
An American or Canadian is English, or French, or Italian, Irish, German, Spanish, Polish, Russian or Greek. An American may also be Canadian, Mexican, African, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Iranian, Asian, or Arab, or Pakistani or Afghan.
An American or Canadian may also be a Comanche, Cherokee, Osage, Blackfoot, Navaho, Apache, Seminole or one of the many other tribes known as native Americans or Canadians.
An American or Canadian is Christian, or he could be Jewish, or Buddhist, or Muslim. In fact, there are more Muslims in America or Canada than in Afghanistan . The only difference is that in America they are free to worship as each of them chooses.
An American or Canadian is also free to believe in no religion. For that he will answer only to God, not to the government, or to armed thugs claiming to speak for the government and for God.
An American or Canadian lives in the most prosperous land in the history of the world. The root of that prosperity can be found in the Declaration of Independence (or in Canada, the Bill of Rights), which recognizes the God given right of each person to the pursuit of happiness.
An American or Canadian is generous. Americans or Canadians have helped out just about every other nation in the world in their time of need, never asking a thing in return.
When Afghanistan was over-run by the Soviet army 20 years ago, Americans and Canadians came with arms and supplies to enable the people to win back their country!
As of the morning of September 11, Americans had given more than any other nation to the poor in Afghanistan.
Americans and Canadians welcome the best of everything, the best products, the best books, the best music, the best food, the best services. But they also welcome the least. The national symbol of America, the Statue of Liberty, welcomes your tired and your poor, the wretched refuse of your teeming shores, the homeless, tempest tossed. These in fact are the people who built America .
Some of them were working in the Twin Towers the morning of September 11, 2001 earning a better life for their families. It's been told that the World Trade Center victims were from at least 30 different countries, cultures, and first languages, including those that aided and abetted the terrorists.
So you can try to kill an American or Canadian if you must. Hitler did. So did General Tojo, and Stalin, and Mao Tse-Tung, and other blood-thirsty tyrants in the world. But, in doing so you would just be killing yourself. Because Americans and Canadians are not a particular people from a particular place. They are the embodiment of the human spirit of freedom. Everyone who holds to that spirit, everywhere, is an American or a Canadian
Having said that, maybe you want to think it over before you write that a Canadian would understand that.
Cheers Thorsten
P.S. Knowledge isn't something you can find in a bookstore. You actually have to read the book and understand it.
Well, the first part explains the mixture of cultures pretty good, but what is that 9/11 stuff about? The Americans turned over independent democracies like they did in Chile, support and establish dictatorships whenever it's opportune, imprison and torture people by neglecting the Geneva convention and so on, it's not all fame&glory a little southbound from our places. Besides, Mao Tse Tung never attacked US soil as far as I know from my history lessons, and Stalin was allied for a long while with the US. Maybe they should just be more careful about their Allies, a man called Saddam was strongly supported in the 1980s by former defense secretary Don Rumsfeld, at a time he killed the Curdish population in his own country. Sorry, but pretending the North Americans are the only innocent and generous people on this globe is pretty ignorant.
Zitat von Wayfarer Sorry, but pretending the North Americans are the only innocent and generous people on this globe is pretty ignorant.
It is easy to point out only the advantages of one country, but I suppose especially concerning the US it might be a bit of a problem. A country with a leader who did not really win his election, claiming that they are “Gods country” (the pope does not really agree to this point), equipped with the most powerful army in the world and with the biggest amount of ignorance towards international relationships got enough dark points in their latest history.
Nevertheless, the description of Americans and Canadians fits. Both countries are the target for all immigrants worldwide. There is a reason why a Canadian invented the term of the “global village”.
Like everywhere else, these coins have always two sides. However, I am convinced that wayfarer did not aim on starting the next discussion group about the Americans or Canadians. Only a collection of short notes, not serious every time. Nevertheless, we needed only a couple of hours, all runs political, and the well-known voices accused the rest of the world to have no knowledge, no experience, to be prejudiced against Canadians and so on.
Communicating in English is no matter of word-by-word translation. It is a matter of a personal mindset and politeness. Just using emoticons or posting quotations does not really bring up this thread. And those one who take everything so serious, please attend the well known and popular and boring discussion groups at ARD or ZDF at 11pm.
Zitat von Wayfarer[smilie=yawn.gif] Talking solely by emoticons takes you at a high risk of ending on pogey. Better start practising your language proficiency, emoticons are not a substitue for the written word yet.
And by the way, do you really agree with such a poor grammar: "You and the other postings look like stupid Germans which will never understand a Canadian." Please do not rape the English language, Germans are human beings so it is "who will never understand".
Okay, sweetheart! To say it with my own words and for a better understanding to some brainless idiots - This threat is the biggest shit, I've ever read - baby! It isn't funny at all and has absolutely nothing to do with humor. Those phrases are made up and as old as Lake Ontario.
By the way, who gives you the right to tell me what and how I should post? You know what?! People like you are getting on my nerves! I simply agree with Maxim and what he said. I'm not responsible for his lack of grammar. My English and it's grammar is just fine, as you can see.
This forum starts to annoy me. It's a shame, how it changed to the right opposite of what it once was. Anyway, have fun with your primitive "sense" of humor. I'm outa here...
No need to insult people here, "baby" . Just because some people can't see the funny side of this doesn't mean that the others are brainless idiots, right? Believe it or not: some people (even Canadians) DO find this funny. Actually, after having lived in both Canada and Australia I would say the majority of people would find this funny.
And I am really sorry to say: but it is sooo typical for Germans to call this sort of humor "primitve". You know what the average Canadian or Australian would do: join in and make some fun of the German language . And then everybody would have a few more beers and a good old laugh...
Zitat von CanadaboundNo need to insult people here, "baby" . Just because some people can't see the funny side of this doesn't mean that the others are brainless idiots, right? Believe it or not: some people (even Canadians) DO find this funny. Actually, after having lived in both Canada and Australia I would say the majority of people would find this funny.
And I am really sorry to say: but it is sooo typical for Germans to call this sort of humor "primitve". You know what the average Canadian or Australian would do: join in and make some fun of the German language . And then everybody would have a few more beers and a good old laugh...
Arrogance is a bit out of place here.
Well this is something to agree to. In fact it's just what we do so many times when my Canadian friend asks me something about this forum. We laugh, have even more fun, another drink and then we say: You know, it could be worse, that guy could be living next door
Besides with the 9/11 stuff - I just didn't want to cut it out since it was not written by myself. It doesn't mean I agree to this, even less since I don't even like US politics. Actually I only put that letter in there to make clear that the average Canadian is an immigrant, comming from another country with another sort of humor.
To bring it to the point, you can tick off Joe Average in Canada as you can tick off Joe Average somewhere else with the wrong joke.
From my point of view I like Ways posting. Even so some or just so true. Sorry, Mr XXX is just in a meeting. Do want his voice box?
Well, I'm in agreement with you guy's. I think every human beeing has it's own sense of humor. By the way, I laugh about the comedians over here in the radio stations - but I couldn't laugh about the same jokes when I heard them in german in the past. Maybe that's some kind of learning process with a new language.
Zitat von DeliahSBB = silly brown bastard = Einwanderer vornehmlich aus Indien und Pakistan
I am half india and half german,and i dont like to read bullshit like that in here! Thank you.
So,war euch das Englisch genug!?
You're all airheads![smilie=1hammer.gif]
SSB means – Single Side Band – Einseitenband!
Might also mean “Seicht singender Bloedman”, “Schwaetzende Schwaben Baggage”,[smilie=blahblah.gif] “Sieben saufende Bayern”, oder auch “Selten so Bekloppt”!
Somebody should post a table where every self declared minority group could enrol , claiming: „No jokes about me, I hate it to be ripped off, I can’t handle that!”
ZitatBsp.1 Was macht ein Kanadier um einen Deutschen mit seinen Deutschkenntnissen zu beeindrucken? Er stimmt die erste Strophe an: "Deutschland, Deutschland über alles..." Wenn Du ihn dann erinnerst, das die seit 45 aus gutem Grund nicht mehr gesungen wird, dann lacht er sich halb schief. Selbst so erlebt.
Dito!!!! It's one of the situations you like to avoid. It's hard to find the right words neither to insult your friend nor to support his wrongdoing.
ZitatBps.2 Immigrant aus Mexiko: "I think Hitler was not that bad, maybe the Jews - that was not such a good idea...."
Bsp. 3 Immigrant aus Venezuela: "Do not quote me, but the jews are a plague, I believe".
A friend of mine works for a jew and of course, as a German, she didn't believe all the "prejudices" and warnings Canadians told her about "the jews" in general - all these many, many history lessons about the 12jaehrige Reich came back into her mind at that time - dies macht uns anders. After a short while of working for her new jewish boss she had to discover that most of these "prejudices" turned out to be a matter of fact in her case, especially regarding money issues and his untoward attitude for his employees. Do not get me wrong, certainly general statement are far too general to be accurate, and I also would like to emphasize that I am not against the state Israel or the jewish religion, but just because your native German (most likely 1. or 2. Generation post-WWII, by the way) doesn't mean other people's experiences are all untrue. Still, the two quotes do not lack stupidity, but keep in mind: not everybody in the world knows about the in-depth vaccination process for this topic in Germany, so try to find out whether your Canadian friend is trying to make conversation or is a racist before putting him out on a limb. If it still falls under the first point, try to make your point carefully, just because they are not aware doesn't mean they won't understand. But for the second aspect: racism is never and nowhere acceptable, especially not in Canada.
Du hast geschrieben: „And by the way, do you really agree with such a poor grammar: "You and the other postings look like stupid Germans which will never understand a Canadian." Please do not rape the English language, Germans are human beings so it is "who will never understand".“
Sag mal – wann hast du das letzte mal in den THE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF CURRENT ENGLISCH geschaut? Wenn du schon über meine grammar lästerst solltest du das mal tun. Zitiert aus der ausgabe von 1992:
Which – interrog. pron. 1. which person or or persons ... Natürlich bezieht es sich auch auf sachen
Dann kannst du auch noch im Collins/Pons nachlesen: Which – welche (r, s) ...
Maybe, I’m old-fashioned Aber meine emotions sind es nicht.
OK – humor ist eine sache aber die gesamten postings definieren die aussagen der kanadier nur negativ.
Das posting von Ohms-Law:
„Canadian: "Your profile and experience sounds very good, I think you`ll fit to our company. Unfortunately there's no open position at the moment." - Deutsch: "Melde dich wieder wenn du in Kanada bist und eine Arbeitgenehmigung hast, ich habe keine Lust auf Trouble mit dem CIC."“
Ist ebenfalls nur negativ
Dabei finde ich, dass die antwort des kanadiers doch fair ist.
Hier ist die phrase „sounds very good“ zu beachten.
Wenn mir in montreal jemand dies sagte – egal ob ein frankophon oder anglophon, dann erhielt ich nur positive reaktionen. Das heißt ich erhielt hilfe oder aufträge.
Das dürfte auch bei Thorsten so sein – wenn ihm das einer seiner kumpels aus den volunteer circles antwortet, dann dürfte dies bedeuten: OK, da machen wir mit – wir helfen dir.
Also eine positiive reaktion und nicht nur eine negative.
Und dann von Trudy1 Canadian"...that must be tough", heißt."...Deine Geschcihte/Erlebnisse hören sich schlecht an. Sind mir aber auch egal." Auch hier – nur negative reaktion.
Wenn ich in einer tough situation war und man mir so antwortete, dann erhielt ich ebenfalls hilfe.
Was mich an den postings so stört ist, das „the straight and always honest Germans“ nicht den unterschied und die feinheiten der sprache verstehen. Nur eine auslegung ist richtig, sagt der honest german.
Stehe ich einem freund oder guten bekannten gegenüber, dann ist die meinung der worte positiv – stehst du oder andere dem gesprächspartner aber als ein typisch negativer deutscher gegenüber, dann ist sie natürlich negativ.