it is starting to get a little ridiculous. You are wrong in this case. Sorry, but the sentence: "You and the other postings look like stupid Germans which will never understand a Canadian." just doesn't make any sense. I hate being picky.... but really. It is: "stupid Germans, WHO"
You can see this as negative or just plain funny. When you have lived in an english speaking country you will often stumble across comments like: your experience sounds GREAT, but we have no suitable vacancies right now.... you will sooner or later understand that Canadians/Americans/Australians are very polite. They don't often say openly what they really think. They only do this behind your back. Us Germans have a terrible reputation of being too direct. And we often are.... I sometimes shake my head now, when I see German tourists, who yell over to the waitress: one beer. Could it be any more rude? How about: "could I have a glass of beer, please..." but no, it is not rude.. just the German way of saying it. Like: the above Canadian comment re work experience: it is not negative, just THEIR way of saying: hey, mate, you really wouldn't be a big enough asset for us to go through the work visa trouble.
And the comment: gee, that must be tough... let's face it: it often is a way of brushing you off... gee, that must be terrible, but really: spare me the details.... Canadians/Americans/Australians don't enjoy hearing about problems, analysing problems etc. That is sth. WE Germans do.
ZitatWhich – interrog. pron. 1. which person or or persons ... Natürlich bezieht es sich auch auf sachen
Dann kannst du auch noch im Collins/Pons nachlesen: Which – welche (r, s) ...
Do you know what "interrog." stands for? It's interrogative, but you didn't use it for a question. German "welche (r,s)" is not restricted to persons. I can fairly remember my first English teacher (native speaker, American) educating us 6th graders to discern "which", "that", "who(m)", but I start being picky. BTW: I used minimum fonts on purpose not to put emphasis on such a minor issue. The point in the whole discussion is: Either you believe Australian, Canadians and Britons are people with average judgements and feelings OR you believe polite language is related to an enthusiastic, unrealistic, always positive perception of the environment. Everyone's free to decide, so we needn't discuss this topic anymore as everybody made his point and won't be convinced to switch to an opposite view.
friday night: a gilrfriend of mine ( originally from the u.k.) and me decided to have a girls night out,.. yes here in lethbridge.. shortly we realized there is not much to do here... anyway..
suddenly she aked me if i already realized that it seems canadian girls are big? well i had to agree and then she came up with this: ABB = Alberta Big Butt - wich was kinda funny cause it´s true!! especially in about the age of 30 girls/women here seem to get bigger (teenies are ´mostly awfully skinny). so i have to admit for me it was just good,.. cause i got more self-esteem beeing here. i really started to wear skirts,.. even short ones, wich i wouldn´t do in europe that easily like here in canada.